MANUU to organise National Urdu Social Science Congress
School of Arts and Social Sciences (SA&SS) of Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) is organizing the Fourth National Urdu Social Science Congress online on December 22 and 23, 2020.
According to Prof S M Rahmatullah, Vice Chancellor I/c, Dean, SA&SS and the Convenor of the Congress the main theme of the congress is “Social Sciences: Decline & Resurgence”.
The inaugural session will be held on December 22 at 10 a.m. All the sessions will be streamed live on https://youtu.be/YWkj6YbexSY and www.youtube.com/imcmanuu. Separate link shall be shared with the participants and the presenters.
According to Prof Shahida, Co-Convenor, Congress & Head Dept of Women Education, Prof S M Rahmatullah, Vice Chancellor I/c will preside over the inaugural session and Padma Shri Prof Akhtarul Wasey, President, Maulana Azad University, Jodhpur will be the Chief Guest. Prof Shahid Amin, formerly with Delhi University will deliver keynote address and Prof Siddiqui Mohd Mahmood, Registrar I/c, MANUU will deliver welcome address. Distinguished guest, Prof Vibhuti Patel, formerly with Advanced Center for Women Studies, TISS, Mumbai will also address and Prof Shahida will brief about the Congress. Vote of thanks by Prof K M Ziyauddin, Department of Sociology. Dr. AmeenaTahseen, Dept. of Women Education is the convenor of the inaugural session.
The sub-themes are – ‘Politics: Contemporary Issues & Challenges’; ‘Politics & Exclusion: Issues & Challenges’; ‘Public Administration: Relevance & Resurgence’; ‘COVID-19: Perspectives & Prospects of Economic Recovery Potential in India’; ‘Issues in History: Challenges & Possibilities’; ‘Deccan Studies: Scope & Significance’; ‘Rise & Growth of Sociology in South Asia: Challenges Ahead’; ‘Profession of Social Work in India: Issues and Challenges’; ‘The role of Higher Education in Strengthening the discipline of Women Studies:; ‘Islamic Studies: Contemporary Challenges & Possibilities’.
Prof Afroz Alam and Dr Kaneez Zehra will be the chairpersons for the first technical session whereas Prof Farida Siddiqui and Dr Danish Moin are the chairpersons for the second technical session. Prof. P H Mohammed and Prof Shahid Raza will be the chairpersons for the third technical session whereas chairpersons for the fourth technical session are Prof Shahida and Prof Fahim Akhtar.
The valedictory session will be held on December 23 at 2.30 pm.
MANUU PR - 19.12.2020.pdf