Submitted by MSQURESHI on Tue, 12/22/2020 - 12:44
5.1 Student Support 5.1.7 Dispatch of Study Material to Learners by DDE

The Self Learning Materials (SLMs) of respective subject in printed forms of each programme shall be provided. The printed material for each course shall be in the form of six Blocks. Each block will be consist of 4 units. The Self Learning Materials (SLMs) shall be sent by registered post. The University shall not be responsible for loss or delay by the postal department.

The video Video lessons are supplementary material for the enhancement of understanding of subjects. They will during counselling and workshop session at at respective programme centers.

All the subject Self-Learning Material (SLM) are in Urdu language except for languages and literature like Hindi, English, and Arabic etc. If student fails to write answers in Urdu marks shall be not awarded.

Soft copies of Self Learning Materials (SLMs) are being provided to the learner.

Free download of Self Learning materials for learners are available at

Dispatch of Study Material Year Relevant Link
2015-16 Update-Sc-Address.xls
Copy of despatch list of M.A.Egnlish 1st Yr. 400 articles dt.4.7.16 1.xls
despatch list of ba 1st yr sl-u 654 articles dt.25.8.16.xls
despatch list of ba 1st yr sl-u 474 articles dt. 26.8.16.xls
despatch list of ba 1st yr sl-u BZC 438 articles dt. 29.8.16.xls
despatch list of ba 1st yr sl-U dt.23.8.16.xls
despatch list of ba 1st yr sl-u MPC 415 articles dt. 30.8.16.xls
despatch list of BA 3rd yr 1400 articles 20.7.16.xls
despatch list of BA 3rd yr 2263 opt 24567 opt articles
despatch list of BA 3rd yr 700 articles 18.7.16.xls
despatch list of BA 3rd yr 700 articles 19.7.16.xls
despatch list of BA 3rd yr 700 articles 20.7.16.xls
despatch list of BA 3rd yr 700 articles 21.7.16.xls
despatch list of BA 3rd yr 700 articles 22.7.16.xls
despatch list of BA 3rd yr 700 articles 23.7.16.xls
despatch list of BA 3rd yr 723 articles 25.7.16.xls
despatch list of BA 3rd yr 725 articles 14.7.16.xls
despatch list of BA 3rd yr 730 articles 28.7.16.xls
despatch list of BA 3rd yr 750 articles 27.7.16.xls
despatch list of BA 3rd yr 761 articles 15.7.16.xls
despatch list of BA 3rd yr 804 articles 26.7.16.xls
despatch list of BA 3rd yr 805 articles 26.7.16.xls
despatch list of ba 3rd yr opt 267 articles 583 31.8.16.xls
despatch list of BA,MPC 3rd yr 955 articles 29.7.16.xls
despatch list of Bcom 3rd yr 129 articles.xlsx
despatch list of BZC 1st ur SL-U 653 dt.29.6.16.xls
despatch list of BZC 3rd yr 649 articles dt.30.7.16.xls
despatch list of certificate diplomas courses 301 articles 8.9.16.xls
despatch list of M.A.Egnlish 1st Yr. 400 articles dt.4.7.16.xls
despatch list of M.A.Egnlish 1st Yr. 400 articles dt.5.7.16.xls
despatch list of M.A.Egnlish 1st Yr. 478 articles dt.30.6.16.xls
despatch list of M.A.Egnlish 1st Yr. 539 articles dt. 18.816.xls
despatch list of M.a.English 2nd yr 57810 opt 400 articles dt.2.8.16.xls
despatch list of M.a.English 2nd yr 57810 opt 404 articles dt.1.8.16.xls
despatch list of M.A.History 1st yr 992 dt.11.8.16.xls
despatch list of ma english 1st yr 300 articles dt.18.8.16.xls
despatch list of ma english 1st yr.xls
despatch list of ma english 2nd yr 473 artciles dt 7.6.16.xls
despatch list of ma english 2nd yr 579 artciles dt.6.6.16.xls
despatch list of ma english 2nd yr 795 artciles.xls
despatch list of ma english 2nd yr 804 artciles 57810 opt dt 1.8.16.xls
despatch list of ma english 2nd yr.xls
despatch list of ma english,urdu 1st yr 298 articles dt.19.8.16.xls
despatch list of ma history 1st yr 500 articles dt.16.8.16.xls
despatch list of ma history 1st yr 540 articles dt.17.8.16.xls
despatch list of ma urdu 1st yr 500 articles dt. 10.6.16.xls
despatch list of ma urdu 1st yr 500 articles dt. 13.6.16.xls
despatch list of ma urdu 1st yr 500 articles dt. 8.6.16.xls
despatch list of ma urdu 1st yr 500 articles dt. 9.6.16.xls
despatch list of ma urdu 1st yr 518 articles dt. 14.6.16.xls
despatch list of ma urdu 2nd yr 1000 articles dt.4.8.16.xls
despatch list of ma urdu 2nd yr 1000 articles dt.5.8.16.xls
despatch list of ma urdu 2nd yr 1000 articles dt.6.8.16.xls
despatch list of ma urdu 2nd yr 1000 articles dt.6.8.16.xls.xml
despatch list of ma urdu 2nd yr 1000 articles dt.8.8.16.xls
despatch list of ma urdu 2nd yr 700 articles dt.2.6.16.xls
despatch list of ma urdu 2nd yr 774 articles dt.3.8.16.xls
despatch list of ma urdu 2nd yr 800 articles dt.3.6.16.xls
despatch list of ma urdu 2nd yr.xls
despatch list of mah islamiyat 61 articles dt.1.6.16.xls
despatch list of misc SLM 56 articles 14.10.16.xls
despatch list of UG 1st SL-H 521 dt.13.7.16.xls
despatch list of UG 1st year opt 126, 257 articles 517 dt.27.6.16.xls
despatch list of UG 1st year opt 235 articles 518 dt.28.6.16.xls
despatch list of UG 1st year opt 236 articles 492 dt.22.6.16.xls
despatch list of UG 1st year opt 236 articles 500 dt.15.6.16.xls
despatch list of UG 1st year opt 236 articles 500 dt.16.6.16.xls
despatch list of UG 1st year opt 236 articles 500 dt.17.6.16.xls
despatch list of UG 1st year opt 236 articles 500 dt.20.6.16.xls
despatch list of UG 1st year opt 236 articles 500 dt.21.6.16.xls
despatch list of UG 1st year opt 267 articles 500 dt.23.6.16.xls
despatch list of UG 1st year opt 267 articles 716 dt.24.6.16.xls
despatch list of ug 1st year opt 267 with sl urdu 1216.xls
despatch list of UG 1st yr sl-A B.Com 3rd yr 591 articles dt.12.7.16.xls
despatch list of ug 2nd year ba bcom bsc 499 articles 1.6.16.xls
despatch list of ur 1st yr sl-H-A. 640 articles dt.22.8.16.xls
despatch list of ur 1st yr sl-H-A. 650 articles dt.20.8.16.xls
despatch lsit of mau 1st yr 1000 articles 10.8.16.xls
despatch lsit of mau 1st yr 1000 articles 11.8.16.xls
despatch lsit of mau 1st yr 1000 articles 9.8.16.xls
despatch lsit of mau 1st yr 582 articles 12.8.16.xls
despatch lsit of mau 1st yr final 8.8.16.xls
duplicates bang std 153.xls
master ug 1st year data 2015-16 5.8.16.xls
ug 1st year 2016 master.xls
ug 1st year 2016 opt 236 with SL urdu 2992.xls
ug 1st year sl-h-a 20.8.16.xls
ug 1st year to be despsatch 17.8.16.xls


Criterion-V-Student-Support-and-Progression collapse7 Student-Support Dispatch of Study Material to Learners 2014-15 Dispatch of Study Material to Learners 2016-17 Dispatch of Study Material to Learners 2018-19 Dispatch of Study Material to Learners 2019-20 Dispatch of Study Material to Learners 2020-21 red