Submitted by MSQURESHI on Tue, 12/22/2020 - 12:44
5.3 Student Participation and Activities 5.3.2 Presence of Student Council and its activities for institutional development and student welfare.

MANUU started Students Union entitled as MSU (MANUU Students Union) from 2012-13 in accordance with the provision of the Act S.5(xix) and based on the recommendations of Lyngdoh Commission, 2006. The office bearers of the Students Union are nominated through election which are conducted by the University annually. The main objective of formation of union in our university is for the promotion of an integral development of personality and the general welfare of students.


  1. To uphold high academic standards in the university jointly with teachers, members of the administrative staff and other University Officials;
  2. To help in maintaining and improving the academic environment of the University;
  3. To provide feedback to the university authorities on academic and other students related issues in order to bring out required changes and improvement for academic development.
  4. To help University in effectively carrying out its teaching, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and programmes for the all-round development of the students;
  5. To foster the spirit of secularism and national unity among the students of the University;


The MSU may organise from time to time such activities as may be deemed necessary to achieve aforementioned objectives. However, before initiating/ organizing any such activity/ activities, prior written consent of Advisor(s) of Union shall be mandatory, provided that any activity undertaken/proposed is not repugnant to the Maluana Azad national University Act, Statutes, ordinances and Regulations made there-under.

Executive Committee-Structure, Powers and Functions:

The EC shall be the representative of MSU. The representatives elected/nominated by the students of their respective School, Centre, Constituent College, Polytechnics, ITI etc, as specified in the following, shall be the members of the EC. The procedure for forming/Constituting the EC shall be as under:

  1. That the students of each School, Polytechnic and ITI located at the University Headquarter shall elect or nominate a student to be a member of the EC and students of each Centre of Studies located at the Headquarters and not included in any School shall elect/nominate a student to be a member of the EC.
  2. That the student of each School, Centre, Constituent College, Polytechnics, ITI located outside Headquarters shall elect/nominate one student to be a member of EC.
  3. The office bearers of the MSU i.e., President, Vice-President, Secretary, Joint Secretary and Treasurer shall also be the member of the Executive Committee.

The Union also assists the University in organizing following activities related to students

  • Debates, discussions, lectures, study circle, essay competition.
  • Cultural Fests
  • Technical Fests
  • Indoor and Outdoor games
  • Publication of magazines, bulletin and wall newspapers
  • Industrial trips and Education tours
  • Social Service and Social Relief Activities
  • G.Voters Awareness Programme
  • Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan
  • Tree Plantation
  • Yoga Day
  • Blood Donation etc

The Following committees have student representatives

  1. Students Council
  2. Anti-Ragging Committee
  3. Sports Committee
  4. NSS Committee
  5. Alumni Association
  6. Internal Complaints Committee
  7. Annual Magazine Committee
  8. NCC Committee
Criterion-V-Student-Support-and-Progression collapse16 Student-Participation-and-Activities Presence of an active Student Council & representation of students on academic & administrative bodies committees