1. Built environment with ramps/lifts for easy access to classrooms.
2. Disabled-friendly washrooms
3. Signage including tactile path, lights, display boards and signposts
4. Assistive technology and facilities for persons with disabilities ( Divyangjan) accessible website, screen-reading software, mechanized equipment
5. Provision for enquiry and information : Human assistance, reader, scribe, soft copies of reading material and screen reading
1. Built environment with ramps/lifts for easy access to classrooms
- The University has adopted the Persons with Disabilities Act 2016 (PwD). MANUU intends to provide comprehensive and inclusive teaching and learning environment to all the stakeholders. Most of the University buildings are constructed as per the CPWD norms, and have accessibility around and within the buildings with features like accessible parking, ramps with railings, disabled friendly toilets with grab bars and sliding doors, lifts cars with grab bars etc. for the benefits of Persons with Disabilities.
Type of disabled friendly amenities available |
Date of procurement/launch/establishment |
Lifts |
5 lifts (elevators) are available in 4 buildings. |
Ramps |
23 Outside ramps and 2 Inside ramps are available in the various buildings. |
Rails |
18 Hand Railings are available in the buildings. |
Toilets |
5 toilets are available in 6 buildings |
E-Rickshaw |
one E-Rickshaw was purchased on 01.02.2017 |
Wheel chair |
24 Wheel Chairs were purchased on 21.02.2019 |

The details of the facilities available for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) in the University Campus Buildings for easy access to classrooms and other works:
Sl.No. |
Name of the Building |
Type |
Elevator/Ramp /Toilet |
Date of construction of Ramp/ Toilet |
Date of installation of Elevator |
1 |
Dean, Students Welfare Office |
G |
Outside* Ramp-1 with Hand Railing |
10-06-2014 |
–––– |
2 |
H.K. Sherwani Centre for Deccan Studies |
G+1 |
Outside Ramp-1 with Hand Railing |
08-04-2015 |
–––– |
3 |
Directorate of Distance Education |
G+1 |
Elevator-1 |
–––– |
17-11-2015 |
4 |
School of Arts and Social Sciences |
G+3 |
Elevator-1, Outside Ramp-1 with Hand Railing |
31-07-2007 |
10-02-2016 |
5 |
Administrative Building |
G+3 |
Elevator-2, Outside Ramp-1, Toilet-2 |
01-04-2004 |
25-02-2006 |
6 |
Instructional Media Centre |
G+2 |
Outside Ramp-1 with Hand Railing |
31-07-2007 |
–––– |
7 |
Saiyid Hamid Library |
G+1 |
Outside Ramp-1 with Hand Railing |
22-01-2009 |
–––– |
8 |
Centre for Professional Development of Urdu Medium Teachers |
G+2 |
Outside Ramp-1 with Hand Railing |
01-08-2008 |
–––– |
9 |
Polytechnic/ School of Sciences |
G+3 |
Elevator-1, Outside Ramp-1 with Hand Railing |
20-06-2010 |
18-11-2016 |
10 |
CIT Building |
G+1 |
Outside Ramp-1 with Hand Railing |
06-04-2015 |
–––– |
11 |
CSE Residential Coaching Academy |
G+1 |
Outside Ramp-2 Toilet-1 |
10-03-2015 |
–––– |
12 |
School of Education & Training |
G+2 |
Outside Ramp-1 & Inside# Ramp-1 with Hand Railing, Toilet-1 |
17-08-2011 |
–––– |
13 |
School of Languages, Linguistics Indology |
G+2 |
Outside Ramp-1 with Hand Railing & Inside Ramp-1 with Hand Railing, Toilet-1 |
15-06-2011 |
–––– |
14 |
UGC-Human Resource Development Centre |
G+1 |
Outside Ramp-1 |
18-12-2008 |
–––– |
15 |
Academic Block for UGC-HRDC |
G |
Outside Ramp-1 |
11-03-2011 |
–––– |
16 |
Health Centre |
G+1 |
Outside Ramp-2 with Hand Railing |
24-06-2010 |
–––– |
17 |
Boys Hostel-I |
G+2 |
Outside Ramp-1 with Hand Railing |
31-07-2007 |
–––– |
18 |
Boys Hostel-II |
G+2 |
Outside Ramp-2 with Hand Railing |
13-05-2011 |
–––– |
19 |
Boys Hostel-III |
G+2 |
Outside Ramp-1 with Hand Railing |
14-08-2015 |
–––– |
20 |
Boys Hostel-IV |
G+2 |
Outside Ramp-1 |
05-01-2009 |
–––– |
21 |
CTE- Darbhanga (Bihar) |
G+2 |
Outside Ramp-1 with Hand Railing |
16.08.2017 |
–––– |
Note: * Outside ramp from road to main entrance of the building;
# Inside ramp from ground floor to 2nd floor of the building;
G - Ground Floor.
- The Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan) letter F.No.16-62/2016-DD-I dated 07.09.2018 has approved and sanctioned the grant of Rs. 4,50,70,000/- and released 50% of the amount i.e. Rs. 2,25,35,000/- for creation of barrier free environment (providing lift, ramp and toilets for differently abled persons) in the existing buildings which did not have these facilities in the University under the Scheme of Implementation of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (SIPDA). Under SIPDA, the following were completed:
Sl. No. |
Name of the Building |
Elevator/Ramp/Toilet |
1 |
Library Building |
Providing 1 No. lift, ramp, and modification of existing toilets for differently able persons |
2 |
School of Languages, Linguistics and Indology |
3 |
School of Education and Training |
4 |
CPDUMT Building |
5 |
Instructional Media Centre Building |
6 |
CUCS Building |
7 |
Health Centre Building |
8 |
University Guest House |
9 |
Modification & renovations of existing toilets to Physically ables friendly toilet for the various buildings |
Modification and Conversion of existing toilets into PwD friendly toilets of additional 15 Nos. various buildings in MANUU, Gachibowli, Hyderabad |

- Eco-friendly battery-operated auto-rickshaw: E-rickshaw has been procured by the university in the year 2017 with a cost of Rs. 99000/- (ninety nine thousand only) exclusively for the PwDs to facilitate their movements between various buildings including hostels, library etc.

- Wheel chair: Wheel chairs (24) were purchased at a cost of Rs.1,08,000/- on 21.02.2019 and are available at every building of the MANUU for students and staff to move around without any physical barrier. The wheel-chairs are immediately provided to PwDs when they visit any of the university’s departments.

2. Disabled-friendly washrooms
- The old buildings with poor accessibility have been identified and necessary renovation was carried out. Further the CPWD made the provision of PwD in the estimates for new buildings of MANUU.

3. Signage including tactile path, lights, display boards and signposts
- Block tactile paving for sight deficient students and staff are available in most of the buildings to facilitate such individuals.
- The display boards of availability of wheel chairs and e-rickshaw are available in the primary routs and secondary access in the campus.

4. Assistive technology and facilities for persons with disabilities (Divyangjan) accessible website, screen-reading software, mechanized equipment
- Notice has been displayed on the Notice Board of University Library for the students/staff awareness about the YouTube Channel on Indian Sign Language.
5. Provision for enquiry and information: Human assistance, reader, scribe, soft copies of reading material and screen reading.
- A Circular dated 01.10.2015 was issued to all the Heads/In-charge of the Departments/Centres (Teaching/Nonteaching) regarding the provision of facility of Scribe/Reader/Lab Assistant to Persons with Disabilities appearing in the Examinations. Further, the Academic Council in its 29th meeting held on 12.1.2018 accorded approval for Scribes for Persons with Disabilities.
- Provision of separate sitting arrangements for Divyangjan on ground floor only with accessible approach in all competitive examinations by UPSC/SSC/CBSC and other academic programmes for Engineering, Professional and entrance test based Courses is in practice in the campus (Notice dated 21.02.2018 was issued)
- MANUU has implemented 5% horizontal mode of reservations for PwD students in each programme for admission and the candidates having at least 40% physical disability can avail reservation under PwD category and need to provide medical certificate for bench-marked disability.
- The MANUU Central Library has earmarked one section for Braille books, audio books, etc. and has designated one person to assist Persons with Disabilities (PwD) for easy access of the library material.
- Indian Sign Language by William Tomkins has been purchased in the year 2019 by the University and has been added in the University Library collection of books.
- Audio books are available at a designated room in the Library since January 2019 for sign language.
- Sign language books: The Central Library has purchased the following three books on sign language and the same is available in the Central Library:
- No. 27501 dated 31.03.2008 Media for All Subtitling for the Deaf, Audio Description, and sign Language.
- No. 1716 dated 07.07.2008 Sign Language in Indo-Pakistan: A Description of a Signed Language
- No.72863 dated 05.02.2020 Indian Sign Language