Submitted by MSQURESHI on Wed, 06/03/2020 - 13:09
7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities 7.1.9 Sensitization of students and employees of the Institution to the constitutional obligations: values, rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens

The University organizes various programs from time to time for the promotion of Constitutional values, rights, duties, and responsibilities of citizens. The University designs various activities to create awareness about the national identity and symbols. Moreover, these are aimed to familiarize its stakeholders about Fundamental Duties and Rights.

MANUU celebrates Independence Day on the 15th of August every year in all its associated Campuses and Model Schools. The day marks the importance of freedom, on this day, Flag hoisting ceremony is organized followed by recitation of the National Anthem. The Vice Chancellor delivers a talk on the importance of freedom and the glory Indian freedom struggle. Different cultural programs and events are performed which aim at highlighting the constitutional spirit of liberty equality justice and fraternity. Several plays with themes based on freedom fighters are staged to familiarize stakeholders about their struggle and sacrifice these freedom fighters gave for the nation. Moreover, parades and patriotic song competitions are also organized among students to spur the love for the motherland. In addition to this,special programs like Azadi 70 Zara YaadKaroKurbaniare also organized by NSS volunteers to brief students about the freedom struggle.

Every year on 26th January, MANUU celebrates Republic Day in all its campuses and Model Schools with great gratification to honour the date on which the constitution of India came into effect. This day highlights the importance of constitution. All stakeholders of MANUU take an oath on this day to ensure that constitutional values and rights are preserved for the betterment of the country. Numerous personalities deliver their speeches on the significance of preserving constitutional rights and values. Many other activities like Slogan writing, Poster competition, Paintings are exercised to create awareness about the constitution of India.

MANUU celebrates Constitutional Day every year on 26th November to commemorate the adaptation of the Constitution of India. The day highlights the efforts of the makers of constitution. MANUU also celebrates Voters Day to bring awareness among the general masses about the importance of the vote. Besides, MANUU organized a workshop on “Right to Information Act 2005”, “Anti-Terrorism Day” to sensitize the stakeholders about its importance.

MANUU organizes several programs that are aimed at the promotion of various constitutional rights, duties, and responsibilities of citizens. MANUU organizes a Blood Donation Camp every year on Azad Day. Many teachers and students donate blood to ensure that precious lives are saved. MANUU also celebrates Women Day to mark the achievements of women throughout the history. Similarly MANUU celebrates World Environment Day on the 5th of June every year to ensure the Environmental concern is addressed. Similarly, MANUU organizes a Swachch Bharat Cleanliness Drive. The drive is aimed to promote the importance of cleanliness. Hence in this way, MANUU ensures that the Constitutional values, rights, duties, and responsibilities of citizens are promoted and served.

MANUU, DSW facilitates Student Union’s Election every year. Likewise Elections of the registered associations of non-teaching staff, officers and teachers are also held as per their constitution which is helpful in the promotion of democratic values in the university.

Photographs of the events

Press Clipping of the events

Criterion-VII–Institutional-Values-and-Best-Practices collapse9 Institutional-Values-and-Social-Responsibilities