Submitted by MSQURESHI on Mon, 12/28/2020 - 22:16
p Press Release : Dec 28, 2020 PressRelease

MANUU pays tribute to Shamsur Rahman Faruqi

Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) paid rich tribute to Mr. Shamsur Rahman Faruqi, an eminent Urdu writer, critic, poet and intellectual, passed away last Friday, in a condolence meeting held today in his honour. 

Shamsur Rahman Faruqihad close association with MANUU. He was also awarded an honorary doctorate by MANUU in 2007 in recognition of his outstanding services.

Prof. SM Rahmatullah, Vice Chancellor I/cwhile reading out a condolence resolution,said that Mr. Faruqi was a true multi-faceted genius. In the fields like criticism, research, history, fiction, poetry, lexicography, translation, literary journalism, etc. In his death, the Urdu Literary world has lost a legendary figure who nurtured the language and literature for over six decades and influenced many generations with his writings.

Prof. Mohd. Naseemuddin Farees, Dean, School of Languages said that Shamsur Rahman Faruqiwas an iconic writer, critic & trend setter. Prof. Abul Kalam, Director, Directorate of Distance Education, described Farooqi as one of the leading writer and critic in the modern literary world. Prof. Shahida, Head, Department of Women's Education, said that a prominent personality has passed away from the Urdu world. He was a true believer of gender equality. On the occasion, Prof. Farooq Bakhshi shared his personal memories with the eminent scholar. Dr. Firoz Alam, Dr. Mahmood Kazmi, Dr. Badeeuddeen, Mr. Imtiyaz Alam also expressed their condolences.



MANUU Pr 28-12-2020.pdf