Online teaching facility inaugurated at Polytechnic MANUU
The online teaching facility at Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU), Polytechnic Hyderabad was inaugurated byProf. S M Rahmatullah, Vice-Chancellor I/c yesterday evening. The teachers who are having difficulty in taking online classes from home, on mobile, can now teach students better with this facility.
According to Dr. Mohd Yousuf Khan, Principal, Polytechnic, Hyderabad, four units equipped with such facilities have been set up at the Polytechnicbuilding. Two units have tripods for moblie and writing boards where teachers can explain to the students by writing on the board. Other units also have a pad with a computer camera where whatever teacher writes on pad can be seen by the students through computer screen.
This innovative setup was developed using the available infrastructure at Polytechnic without any financial burden on the University.
Prof. S M Rahmatullah, while congratulating the Principal Polytechnic and other teachers for taking an innovative initiative has advised other departments also to facilitate teaching through such innovative measures. Prof. Siddiqui Mohd Mahmood, Registrar I/c also congratulated them.Prof. Abul Kalam, Director, Directorate of Distance Education; Prof. Abdul Wahid, Dean, School of Technology, Prof. Naseemuddin Farees, Dean School of Languages, Prof. Mohammad Abdul Sami Siddiqui, Director, CPDUMT, Prof. Saneem Fatima, Dean, School of Management & Joint Dean Academics, Prof. Parveen Jahan, Dean, School of Sciences, Mr. Rizwan Ahmad, Director, IMC and Mr. Md Shakeel Ahmad, Engineer Grade I, IMC were also present on the occasion.
MANUU Pr 19-1-2021.pdf