Seminar on cultural institutions of Urdu language inaugurated at MANUU
Centre for Urdu Culture Studies (CUCS), Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) organized a two day online national seminar on “Urdu Zaban ke Tahzeebi-o-Saqafati Idare” (Cultural Institutions of Urdu language) on 15 and 16 Feburary, 2021. The seminar is sponsored by National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language (NCPUL).
In the inaugural held yesterday, well known writer, Prof. Beg Ehsas, Former Head, Dept. Of Urdu, University of Hyderabad while delivering keynote address expressed that the narrative traditions of Urdu have given birth to social and cultural institutions or genres. Among them, poetry, qawwali, ghazal singing, story telling etc. are notable due to which Urdu gained popularity.
Prof. S M Rahmatullah, Vice Chancellor I/c, MANUU in his presidential address said that Urdu is on the path of development not only as a language but it has also made a mark as a symbol of civilization and culture. It is still an effective source of communication, knowledge, entertainment and employment and regarded as dignified developed language of India, he added.
The Chief Guest, Prof. Shahpar Rasool, Department of Urdu, Jamia Millia Islamia added that webinars, web conferences and web consultations have played an invaluable role in spreading Urdu language literature and its culture to far flung parts of the world.
The guest of honour, Prof. Mohd. Naseemuddin Farees, Dean, School of Languages, Linguistics and Indology, MANUU spoke about a triangle created between Urdu language, culture and the society.
Prof Mohd. Zafaruddin, Director, Urdu Centre delivered the welcome address and spoke about the aims & objectives of the seminar. Dr. Ahmad Khan, Associate Professor, Centre and seminar convenor proposed vote of thanks. The Seminar was telecasted live on IMC, MANUU Youtube Channel.
MANUU starts workshop on AEP in Bihar under UNFPA project
A three-day workshop as part of Adolescents Education Programme was organized for Madarsas of Bihar under the Multi-Partner Project at Hotel Charkia, Patna. Intellectuals from Bihar and Scholars from Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi and Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad discussed the educational conditions of Islamic Madarsas. They also highlighted various aspects of the resource centers, proposed to be established by the Bihar government and termed it as the realization of the dreams of the madrassas’s students.
Dr. Mohammad Nadeem Noor, Chief, UNFPA, Bihar in his address said that in order to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world, artificial and emotional intelligence would have to be relied upon and our madrassas should be equipped with the capabilities to solve the problems of the 21st century. Additional Chief Secretary Home, Dr. Amir Subhani said that the main reason for the backwardness of our population is the weak primary education. Prof. Ejaz Masih, Jamia Millia Islamia said that the JMI has developed a training module on adolescent education, a blend of science and culture, which enhances the skills of students through practical training.
The Project Director, Prof. Mohd Shahid (MANUU) said that the project is becoming popular among teachers and students of Madrasas and has gone far beyond traditional adolescent education. The novel pilot programme, funded by UNFPA being implemented by MANUU, JMI & Bihar Madarsa Board has caught the attention of Madrasas from other states also.
Prof. Faiz Ahmad, Principal CTE, MANUU Darbhanga delivered welcome address. Former member, BPSC, Dr. Shafi Mashhadi, Dr. Ahmad Abdul Hai, a renowned intellectual and surgeon, Former Chairman Yonus Hakeem, and Ms. Safina, Secretary, Minority Welfare Department, also spoke on the occasion.
MANUU Pr 16-2-2021.pdf