Submitted by MSQURESHI on Wed, 02/24/2021 - 10:58
Press Release: Workshop on Employability skills begins at MANUU Press Release: Workshop on Employability skills begins at MANUU PressRelease

Workshop on Employbility skills begins at MANUU


A week-long online workshop on “Employbility Skills”  for students of Maulana Azad National Urdu University began yesterday. The workshop is being organized by the office of Dean Student’s Welfare (DSW), Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) in collaboration with the Quran Foundation, Hyderabad from February 22 to 26. All sessions will be held online on IMC Youtube channel from 3 to 5 pm.

Prof. S M Rahmatullah, Vice Chancellor I/c in his presidential address during the inaugural urged students to utilise the opportunity and learn the skills. Avoid differentiating between religious and modern education, he advised.

Prof. Alim Ashraf, Dean, Student’s Welfare welcomed the participants and briefed aims and objectives of the workshop. Mr. Mohammad Samiuddin introduced the Qur'an Foundation, Hyderabad. Prof. Mohammed Abdul Sami Siddiqui,Joint Dean, Students Welfareconvened the programme. The resource person of the first technical session, Mr. Abdul Raheem discussed about the skills required to face interviews and took a number of questions from students.


MANUU Pr 23-2-2021.pdf