Submitted by Saddam1211 on Tue, 03/02/2021 - 15:19
Executive Summary Brief note on Strength Weaknesses Opportunities and Challenges (SWOC) in respect of the Institution

Institutional Strength

Education in Urdu from elementary to doctoral level

The strength of MANUU lies in its endeavour to actualize its vision and mission, which it has been doing by providing education in Urdu from elementary to doctoral level. By establishing Urdu medium schools MANUU fulfils the national commitment of access to education for all. Through Industrial Training Institute (ITIs) and Polytechnics, it provides vocational career education and technical education respectively which honour national mission in this regard. By providing higher education in Languages, Social Sciences, Engineering and Science, it has been producing graduates, post graduates and doctorates who are not only honouring its vision and mission but also contributing to the building of the nation. Any institution may claim the same, however MANUU’s distinction and strength is, it provides education in Urdu in all these varied forms and phases, which have been shielding it from the threat of extinction as well.

Providing higher education in the remotest places

The distance education programmes are another institutional strength. These programmes are offered through Directorate of Distance Education (DDE), nine regional centres and five sub-regional centres. Till date these programmes have produced 146865 graduates at different levels. MANUU has taken education to the remotest of places in the country and has provided higher education access to house wives, drop-outs, employees, and those who cannot afford education due to age, time, social and economic constraints.

Training prospective Urdu teachers

Colleges of Teacher Education trains Urdu teachers who have become the true resources for the building of nation through education.

Focus on Women Education

Focusing on the enrolment of women by extending 100 percent hostel facility, reservations and concessions in fees etc. MANUU is again fulfilling its object.

Infrastructure for Persons with Disabilities

MANUU’s infrastructural facilities, such as lifts, ramps, vehicles for the persons with disabilities are again one of its strengths.

Strong Integrated University Management System (IUMS)

MANUU has developed a robust IUMS which connects academics to administration, channelizes teaching learning resources, facilitates admissions and most of the examination process. 

Institutional Weakness

Non-availability of sufficient knowledge material in Urdu

The transfer of knowledge of arts, science, engineering, technology, vocational, and teacher education from other languages to Urdu and publishing it, are still University’s weakest points. Nevertheless, the University has established Directorate of Translation and Publication to address and overcome these weaknesses.

Paucity of funds to establish new departments and develop infrastructure accordingly

MANUU is not able to get enough funds to establish new departments or required academic and administrative infrastructure thereof, particularly in science and technology.

Self-Financing courses

MANUU could try offering self-financing courses in science and technology, and interdisciplinary subjects etc. but most of such programmes are available and offered in English in other universities, which makes it difficult to attract students in such courses offered in Urdu. Notwithstanding, this those who wish to pursue such programmes through Urdu, on the other hand do not have enough financial means to self-finance their education.

Non representation of research and publication in Urdu in quality journals and academic databases

Since the medium of instruction of MANUU is Urdu, the research and publication output in Urdu does not get representation in high quality journals or academic databases etc. This has hampered MANUU’s ranking, which should have been much higher than what it has been given in NIRF since 2017.

Admissions of International Students

As the medium of instruction of MANUU is Urdu, it is not able to attract international students. An office of the Dean International Students has been set up to figure out ways to attract international students. In this regard MANUU has also entered into several MoUs with International Universities for academic exchanges.

Insufficient number of Hostels.

MANUU is not able to provide accommodation to all the admitted students in its Hostels. Though vertical expansion of a Hostel has been done and construction of new hostels has been in the pipeline.


Imparting of new fields of knowledge in Urdu and through Urdu

MANUU has a great prospect to present and promote new fields of education in Urdu and through Urdu, and produce knowledge material in Urdu. In order to achieve this it has established Directorate of Translation and Publication. MANUU’s success may turn it into a model university for all those institutions which offer higher education in Indian languages.

Madrasa to mainstream

It is a real and significant opportunity for MANUU to attract those who have Madrasa education and wish to come to the mainstream education system. MANUU through its bridge courses provides great platform for Madrasa background students to smoothly slide into mainstream education system.

Reaching the unreached

MANUU through its distance education programmes can reach the unreached. It can provide higher education to a large number of Urdu speaking community spread across the country, which either did not have the chance to get the education or could not afford the cost of higher education. MANUU also sees a great opportunity in providing access to higher education to women who are house wives or who cannot afford education for financial reason.


Competition with other institutions

MANUU faces great challenge to compete with other institutions which provide higher education in English. Yet it accepts the challenge and endeavors to produce graduates on par and above in academic quality with any institution of higher education in the country.

Industry and Placements

MANUU with its Urdu medium distinctiveness discovers a serious challenge in placing its students in market and industry; however, it accepts this challenge by strengthening its Placement and Training Cell which organizes courses in communication skills in English, personality development programmes, soft skill progammes, and so on to cater to the needs and skill requirements of industry. Rather, MANUU is on course to completely alter the opinion that having education in Urdu is a weakness. MANUU through its endeavors is proving that pursuing education in Urdu is effectively valuable and possession of an exceptional competence. 

 Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

MANUU by adopting Choice Based Credit System, and the curriculum recommended thereof by UGC has accepted all the obstacles in its way of converting all its programmes of study into Urdu and offering the same to the students to keep them on par with the mainstream level of higher education.

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