MANUU has a strong governance structure and management system. The vision of MANUU is ‘to provide quality higher education and research through Urdu and be recognized as the leading institution for academic excellence’. And the mission of the MANUU is to promote and develop the Urdu language, to impart education and training in vocational and technical subjects through the medium of Urdu,
to provide wider access to people desirous of pursuing programmes of higher education and training in Urdu medium through teaching on the campus as well as at a distance, and to provide focus on women education.
To implement and materialize the vision and mission, MANUU has a very strong administrative and academic governing system, which comprises University Court, Executive Council, Academic Council, School Boards, Boards of Studies of the Departments, Departmental Research Committees, Finance Committee and other such committees and authorities as declared by the Statutes of the University. The Chancellor is an ex-officio chairperson of the Court. The Vice Chancellor is an ex-officio chairman of the Executive Council, Academic Council and Finance Committee.
All these bodies and committees mostly have large number of University teachers’ representation, in addition to the expert members appointed by the Government wherever required. Every decision that MANUU makes in respect of academics, furthering its cause, honouring its vision or materializing its mission involve teachers. Additionally, MANUU conducts most of its academic and administrative works and make decisions through the system of constitution of committees and advisory boards, which demonstrates clearly its practice of decentralization and participative management.
MANUU has a very strong IQA system in place; some of the post accreditation measures that the University initiated are:
- Reconstitution of IQAC in line with NAAC Guidelines
- Nomination of Coordinators for IQAC from all the teaching and research departments, centres and colleges
- Developing of online feedback system for all the regular students of the University
- Display of, and discussion on the answer scripts after evaluation with the students by the faculty etc.