Submitted by MSQURESHI on Thu, 06/24/2021 - 19:39
PRO Office Image Press Release: MANUU pays tributes to Prof. Shah Manzoor Alam PressRelease

MANUU pays tributes to Prof. Shah Manzoor Alam

Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) paid rich tributes to Prof. Shah Manzoor Alam, former Vice-Chancellor, Kashmir University, Srinagar and the former Head, Department of Geography, Osmania University, Hyderabad who passed away on June 22.

Prof. Manzoor Alam was also closely associated with MANUU in it’s formative years as the Member of it’s first Executive Council. He played an important role in the developmentof MANUU in its initial days.

 Prof. S M Rahmatullah, Vice Chancellor I/c and Prof. Siddiqui Mohd. Mahmood, Registrar I/c in their message expressed their condolences to bereaved family members.

 Prof. Alam who was also the founder Director of Centre for Area Studies on the Indian Ocean Region, OU was also awarded the Prestigious, 'BHOOGOL RATNA AWARD' for 2017by NAGI (National Association of Geographers India), New Delhi, during the 39th, Indian Geography Congress (IGC) held at Osmania University .