Submitted by MSQURESHI on Wed, 09/15/2021 - 16:08
Press Release: Suicide Prevention Day Observed and 2nd phase of Admissions in ITI Hyderabad PressRelease

Suicide Prevention Day Observed at MANUU


Mental health of every one is important and maintaining a positive environment is equally important.Dr. Anil G, Psychologist, expressed the view while delivering a lecture “Understanding Suicide and Prevention at Hand” held on September 13. The office of the Dean, Students Welfare, Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad, organized the lecture in connection with World Suicide Prevention Day.


Dr. Anil also highlighted the significance of counselling to prevent suicide cases. Prof. Siddiqui Mohammed Mahmood, Registrar I/c delivered the inaugural address.

Prof. Syed Alim Ashraf Jaisi, Dean, Students Welfare welcomed the guest. Mr. Jameel Ahamed, Assistant Dean, DSW and Ms. Najmunnisa, Counsellor MANUU, coordinated the event. The Instructional Media Centre (IMC) of MANUU webcast the lecutre live on on IMC MANUU YouTube Channel.


MANUU ITI Hyderabad, 2ndphase of admissions


The Industrial Training Institute (ITI), Hyderabad, Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) is conducting second counseling for admissions into ITI Trades on September 28, 2021. The counseling will start at 9.30 am at ITI, MANUU Campus, Gachibowli.

According to Dr. Arshia Azam, Principal, applications are invited from desirous candidates to fill up the vacant seats in different ITI trades. Application form can be obtained from MANUU - ITI Hyderabad or can be downloaded from University website The last date for submission of filled in application form at MANUU ITI Hyderabad is September 23.

Candidates desirous to take admission can contact the ITI office in person or by telephone: 040-23008413, 7032623941 for details.


MANUU Pr 15-09-2021.pdf