Submitted by MSQURESHI on Tue, 11/12/2019 - 15:37
bilal Bilal Rafiq Shah Associate Professor

Books Published:

  • KALEEL-MUDATI TADREES. (Book on Teaching Skills. Urdu Version) 2021 MEEZAN PUBLISHERS, Srinagar ISBN No 978-81-952175-0-2. Revised Edition 2021
  • REFERENCE BOOK on TEACHER EDUCATION, 2016. New Delhi. ISBN No…………….. 2016 Edition.
  • LESSON PLANING: EVALUATION & IMPROVEMENT, 2015. Living Thoughts Publishers. New Delhi. ISBN No. 978-81-928755-2-1.
  • English Language Teaching. 2014 (With Techniques and Strategies on Lesson Planning) LIVING THOUGHTS Publishers New Delhi ISBN No. 978-938 205 1497. Revised Edition (2nd 2014)
  • Kaleel-Mudati Tadrees. (Book on Skills of Teaching. Urdu Version) 2014. WATTAN PUBLICATIONS ISBN No. 978-938 205 1589. (Ist Edition 2014)
  • Teaching of English. A Modern Approach. 2013. Living Thought Publishers New Delhi. ISBN No. 978-938 205-1602. Revised Edition (3rd REVISED EDITION, 2013)
  • English Language Teaching. (With Techniques and Strategies on Lesson Planning). 2008 Living Thoughts Publishers New Delhi, ISBN No. 978-938 205 1497. (1st 2008)
  • Teaching of English. A Modern Approach. 2006 WATTAN PUBLICATIONS SRINAGAR. (1st 2004, 2nd Edition 2009)
  • Micro Teaching Activity Book. 2006. For B.Ed and M.Ed Students Co-authored with Dr. M.I.Mattoo. FrontLine Publishers Srinagar.
  • Study Material for B.Ed. Distance Mode. (Published by University of Kashmir)

Papers Published:

  • RMSA: Analysis of Quality Concerns in Secondary Education. Paper published in Edited Book: Education and Society during Covid Pandemic. Bharti Publications New Delhi. ISBN No 978-93-91681- 32-6 International conference on Sociology of Education in the time of Covid-19 Pandemic. Dept of Sociology, University of Science & Technology Meghalaya. August 2021.
  • Importance of Life Skills In Teacher Education. Paper published in …………….. 2016
  • Schools “The Incubators of Intellect”. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATION FOR THE FUTURE (IJEF). Published Paper in International Journal of Education for the Future. A Quarterly, Peer Reviewed Multidisciplinary Journal. Volume 2, ISSUE 4. 2016, ISSN No.. 2394-9902. December 2016.
  • “Nazir ek Awami Shair, Nazir as the Peoples’ Poet”. IJRSS Volume 6, Issue 1 ISSN: 2249-2496. A Quarterly Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories. Indexed & Listed at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A., International Journal of Research in Social Sciences January 2016.
  • Stresses and Strains in Administration. Paper Published in MEETHAK. - Peer Reviewed Biannual International Journal of Humanities. (ISSN-2395-132X.) September Issue 2015.
  • Education for Human Understanding: An Emerging Task of Teachers. Paper Published in MEETHAK. - Peer Reviewed Biannual International Journal of Humanities. (ISSN-2395-132X.) September Issue 2015.
  • Theoretical Models of Community Development, IJRSS Volume 5, Issue 1 ISSN: 2249-2496. A Monthly Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A. International Journal of Research in Social Sciences February 2015.
  • Distance Education in the Era of Globalisation.- A need for Quality. Peer Reviewed International Journal of Education for 21st VOL 1. (1) July – Dec 2014. ISSN No. 2349-5774.
  • Contribution of Muslim Scholars towards Modern Science. IJRSS Volume 4, Issue 1 ISSN: 2249-2496. Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A. International Journal of Research in Social Sciences February 2014.
  • A Study of differential Effects and Psychological View of Religions on Adolescent Student’s Personality Development, Mental Health And Relogiosity-. International Journal of Trends in Humanities and Social Science. Volume 1 Issue 5 May 2013. ISSN No. 0976-9721
  • A Study of differential Effects of Muslim, Hindu and Christian Religions on Adolescent Student’s Personality Development, Mental Health and Religiosity-. International Journal of Trends in Art and Education. Volume 1 Issue 1 May 2013. ISSN No. 0976-9803
  • Effect of Socio-Economic climate on problem solving ability of Tribal and Non- Tribal Secondary School Students in Jammu Region. Journal of Teacher Education and Research. RAM-EESH Institute of Education. Vol 1 (2) Dec 2010. ISSN No 0974-8210.