Submitted by MSQURESHI on Thu, 03/24/2022 - 17:23
Press Release: Fourth meeting of CSTT on Engineering Glossary begins at MANUU PressRelease

Fourth meeting of CSTT on Engineering Glossary begins at MANUU 


The Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology(CSTT), Ministry of Education (Department of Higher Education), New Delhi has commenced fourth meeting on preparation of “Comprehensive Glossary of Engineering (English-Hindi-Telugu)” at the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology (CS&IT), School of Technology (SoT) of Maulana Azad National Urdu University yesterday. Six day long meeting will end on March 28, 2022.


Prof. S.M. Rahamatullah, Pro Vice-Chancellor inaugurated the meeting.


According to Dr. Bonthu Kotaiah, Assistant Professor, Department of CS&IT, MANUU  & Coordinator cum Subject Expert  first two meetings of the committee were held online and MANUU hosted the third meeting from March 9 to 15.


The Expert Advisory Committee of 26 Subject Experts/Linguists from various reputed State/Central Universities, Engineering Colleges and other academic institutions are preparing the targeted Telugu equivalents words for about 5000 engineering terms in the meeting. The experts committee has suggested to organize a review meeting at Hyderabad or Delhi for finalizing all 49,000 engineering terms prepared in Telugu equivalent words.


Preparation of comprehensive glossary of Engineering terms in Urdu language is also in pipeline.


Shri. J.S. Rawat, Asst. Scientific Officer, CSTT, MoE, Dr. Md. Zair Hussain, Registrar I/c, MANUU, Prof. Abdul Wahid, Dean, School of Technology and Dr. Syed Imtiyaz Hassan, Head, Department of CS & IT were also present.


Shri. J.S. Rawat and Dr. Bonthu Kotaiah welcomed the experts.

MANUU Pr 24-03-2022.pdf