- Rizvi, Qudsi. “The Basic Role of Spirituality in Education” in The International Journal of Culture, Literature and Criticism.” (V.12, October 2015). ISSN: 0976-1608. Print.
- Rizvi, Qudsi and Jyotsna Sinha. “Glimpses of Gender Discrimination in The Dark Holds No Terrors.” The Journal of Language and Literature. Photon 115, V.1 (July 2014): 176-180. ISJN: 3804-8375. Impact Index: 3.28. Web.
- Rizvi, Qudsi and Jyotsna Sinha. “Effect of Gendered Childhood on Marital Relations in Roots and Shadows.” The Criterion: An International Journal in English 4.5 (October 2013): 1-10. ISSN: 0976-8165. Web.
- Rizvi, Qudsi and Jyotsna Sinha. “Into the Absurd: The Confluence of Menace & Humour in The Birthday Party.” The International Journal of Culture, Literature & Criticism V 2 (October 2010): 68-73. ISSN: 0976-1608. Print.
- Rizvi, Qudsi and Jyotsna Sinha. “Patterns of Human Interaction with the Environment & Nature in the fiction of Thomas Hardy.” Avante Garde Responses: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences 1.1 (February 2012): 1-10. ISSN: 2278-4810. Web.
- Rizvi, Qudsi and Jyotsna Sinha. “Catharsis through Nature & Ecology in Wordsworth’s The Prelude.” Research Vistas 1.6 (November - December 2012): 49-56. ISSN: 2277 – 310X. Web.
- Rizvi, Qudsi and Jyotsna Sinha. “Breaking the False Mirrors in That Long Silence”. Sahitya Academy Award Winning Novels. Vivekanand Jha & Rajnish Mishra. New Delhi: B.R. Publishing Corporation, 2013. ISBN 13:978-93-505012-273-83. Print.
Poetry Publication:
- Rizvi, Qudsi (co-author) “Divine Phonetics: Silence”, Imperfect Paintings”, Hues & Fragrances”, “Nature’s Song of Love”, AND Magazine Issue 11. Westend Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-300-64864-2. August 2021. 37-41. Print.
- Rizvi, Qudsi (co-author) “Shards of Mysterious Pain” & “Postmodern Wine”, Poetry & You, Edition III, Pub Lab Academia Publixation. ISBN: 9788195247097. July 2021. 129-130. Print.
- Rizvi, Qudsi (co-author). “Metamorphosis”, Feminist Voices Volume II: An Anthology of Poems on Domestic Violence, Ed. Pub Notion Press (India), June 2021. ISBN:9781639576173. 74. Print.
- Rizvi, Qudsi (co-author) "Existential Beauty" & "Harvest of Goodness". Life is Beautiful, Believe in It (Anthology), pub by Spectrum of Thoughts (An Affiliate of FanatiXx), January 2021. ISBN 978-93-90451-93-7. Print.
- Rizvi, Qudsi (co-author) “Ploughing the Pandemic”. Agony and Ecstasy of Covid-19 (An Anthology of Pandemic Poems), pub by All India Forum for English Students, Scholars and Trainers (AIFEST), January 2021. ISBN 979-85-85821-974. Print.
- Rizvi, Qudsi (co-author) “Beyond the Mist” & “The Lonely Shepherd”. Head Full of Words, pub by The Quill House, November 2020. ISBN 978-81-947383-5-0. Print.
- Rizvi, Qudsi (co-author) “Visions of the Esoteric Heart” & “Pearls of Hope” “Love is the Answer” … Do It from Love not for Love, pub by Spectrum of Thoughts (An Affiliate of FanatiXx), September, 2020. ISBN 978-81-947959-7-1. Print.
- Rizvi, Qudsi “Knowledge in Distress” & “Enlightened”… Poetry & You: Lab Academia Publication, 2020. ISBN 978-81-936791-6-6. 53-57. Print.
- Rizvi, Qudsi “The Journey Inward”& “Imprints on Time’. The Creative Launcher: An International, Open Access, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, E-Journal in English. ISSN 2455-6580. Vol I & Issue VI (February 2017) p 117-18, 122-23. Impact factor 2.3. UGC Approved (Sr. No. 62952). Web.
- Rizvi, Qudsi “The Recluse” & “The Wretched of the Earth”. Lapis Lazuli: An International Literary Journal. ISSN 2249-4529. Vol 7, No. 1 (Spring 2017) p 1-4. Web.
- Rizvi, Qudsi “Wretched Dregs of Humanity” & “Being Invisible”. Research Innovator: International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed Journal. ISSN: 2348-7674. Vol IV, Issue II (April 2017) p 5, 15. Web.
- Rizvi, Qudsi “The Wretched of the Earth” & “Search of an Island”. The Literary Herald: An International Refereed English E-Journal. Sidhhartha Sharma. ISSN: 2454-3365. Vol II, Issue 4 (March 2017) p 638-9. Web. [Impact Factor: 2.24 IIJIF] http://tlhjournal.com/uploads/products/79.dr.qudsi-rizvi-poem.pdf
- Rizvi, Qudsi “Blood & Life” & “Estranged Passages”. International Journal of English Language, Literature & Humanities (IJELLH). Indexed Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal. ISSN: 2321-7065. Vol V, Issue II (February 2017) p 152-154. Web. [Impact Factor: 5.27]
- Rizvi, Qudsi “Agony Underneath”, “Oblivion” & “Irrational Love”. Gnosis: An International Journal of English Language and Literature. Saikat Banerji. ISSN: 2394-0131. Vol 1, No.3 (April 2015). Print. www.thegnosisjournal.com
- Rizvi, Qudsi “In a distant land” & “Moving forward”. The Literary Herald: An International Refereed English E-Journal. Sidhhartha Sharma. ISSN: 2454-3365. Vol 1, Issue 2 (September 2015). Web. www.tlhjournal.com [Impact Factor: 2.24 IIJIF] http://tlhjournal.com/uploads/products/42__dr_qudsi_rizvi_poems.pdf
Published Essays:
- Rizvi, Qudsi “Faith is the Answer”. Ashvamegh International Journal of English Literature. ISSN: 2454-4574. Vol. III, Issue XXVI: March 2017. Web.
- Rizvi, Qudsi “The Matter Party”. Ashvamegh International Journal of English Literature. ISSN: 2454-4574. Issue XVII: June 2016. Web. http://ashvamegh.net/matter-party-dr-rizvi/