Submitted by MSQURESHI on Mon, 12/05/2022 - 17:11
Press Release: Prof. Shakeel Ahmed from MANUU leading Indian delegation to France for events on Water Sciences Press Release: Prof. Shakeel Ahmed from MANUU leading Indian delegation to France for events on Water Sciences PressRelease

Prof. Shakeel Ahmed from MANUU leading Indian delegation to France for events on Water Sciences


Prof. Shakeel Ahmed of the School of Sciences, Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) & Renowned Water Scientist is leading a delegation of Indian scientists and academicians to France for UN-Water Summit on Groundwater and a two day workshop. Prof. Syed Ainul Hasan, Vice Chancellor, MANUU will be inaugurating the workshop online on December 8.

 The UN-Water Summit on Groundwater organizing at UNESCO Headquarter in Paris from December 6 to 8 will be the culminating event of the 2022 campaign “Groundwater: making the invisible visible”, implemented by the dedicated UN-Water Task Force.

 An Indian delegation comprising of experts in groundwater and water sciences from Indian Institute of Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, CSIR-NGRI, Central Ground Water Board, Various Central and state Universities as well as water enterprise will be participating the event.

 After the summit the Indian and French delegations will have direct discussion in a two days workshop to be held in Montpellier, an important city in south of France. Later the expertise from India and France will be paired to collaborate and formulate the Indo-French scientific projects for finding the viable scientific solutions.  It is expected to bring out 5 to 6 multidisciplinary and multi-organizational major projects for submitting for funding.

 This event for the Indo-French collaboration is sponsored by the Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR), New Delhi. The centre promotes the Indo-French scientific projects as well as facilitate the joint seminars/workshops on specific subjects of importance. There have been several Indo-French workshop on water sciences in India but in France it is the first time that an Indo-French workshop on water sciences is organized.

 The workshop is coordinated by Prof. Shakeel Ahmed, MANUU and Dr. VM Tiwari of CSIR-NGRI from Indian side whereas Dr. Patrick Lachassagne of University of Montpellier from French side.

MANUU Pr 05-12-2022.pdf