Research Article Publications:
- The article entitled, Interior Conflicts in Vaidehi’s Chandaley is published in UGC referred International Journal Literary Insights (ISSN 0975-6248) Volume-10, Issue-1I, pp.233-241, January 2019.
- The Article entitled, The Cultural Representation and the Process of Modernization in Lambani Tribe of Karnataka is published in Indexed Lang Lit: An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal, Vol.2 Issue 4, with ISSN 2349 - 5189. 531-536. May 2016.
- The Article entitled, Postcolonialism and Indian Literature is published in Lang Lit: An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal, Vol.2 Issue 3, with ISSN 2349-5189. February 2016. 541-544.
- The Article entitled, Tradition and Colonial Modernity: Reading M.K Indira’s Phaniyamma (1976) is published in Research Chronicler: A Peer-reviewed and Indexed International Multidisciplinary Research Journal Vol. III, Issue IX-I with ISSN 2347-5021. Special Issue: Post Modern Trends in Language and Literature. December. 2015. P. 84-87.
- The Article entitled, The Theme of Motherhood in Chandrashekhar Kambar’s Singarevva and the Palace published in LUMINAIRE: A Refereed Journal of the Department of Languages, Garden City College, Bangalore Vol.6, Issue 1, with the ISSN: 2249-2542 in 2016. P. 89-93.
- The Article entitled, Amerika Ki Pravasi Hindi Lekhikaon Ki Kahaniya Samaj aur Sanskriti Ka Dvandva published (jointly) in a book Bharatiya Aur Pravasi Hindi Katha Sahitya: Vartaman Paridrushya, Anbhai Parkashan: Mumbai. ISBN 978-81-908663-1-6. P.No 235 to 240.January. 2016.
- The Article entitled, Beyond the Margin: Baby Kamble’s The Prisons We Broke published in Lang Lit: An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal VOL.2, ISSUE-2 with the ISSN 2349-5189 in November-2015. P. 657-660.
- The Article entitled, Transgression of Gendered boundaries: Desires and Sexuality in Select Kannada Novels is published in Contemporary Research in India: A Peer-Reviewed Multi-Disciplinary International Journal with the ISSN 2231-2137. Special Issue: in April, 2015. P. 65-69.
- The article entitled, Subversion of Naranappa in U R. Ananthmurthy’s Samskara: A Rite for a Dead Man is published in an International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) Vol. IV, Issue 1(ii) with the ISSN: 2277-9302, in April 2015. P. 50-51.