Press Release: Ph.D. in Mathematics awarded to Habeebur Rahman
Ph.D. in Mathematics awarded to Habeebur Rahman
Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) has declared Mr. Habeebur Rahman, S/o. Mr. Fathe Mohammed qualified in Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics. He worked on the topic “Design of Transfer Orbits in Interplanetary Trajectories” under the supervision of Prof. Syed Najamul Hasan, Department of Mathematics, MANUU. The Viva-Voce was held on 11th January 2023.
His field of study is astronomical mathematics. He is Currently employed as an Assistant Professor in Mathematics and Examination coordinator (UICSA) at Guru Nanak University, Hyderabad.
MANUU Pr 27-01-2023.pdf