7th International Urdu Social Science Congress
Extension Lecture on Women, Work and Legal Protection: A Special Lecture on Women Work Protection By Advocate Chirayu Jain Go LIVE
Be A Leader Yourself: A Special Lecture on Women Entrepreneurship by Mr. Chandra Shekhar
Extension Lecture on Navigating Mental Well Being
International Conference on “Exploring the Impact of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) on Women and Motherhood”
Interfaith Youth Leadership Programme (IYLP)
16 Days Awareness Campaign for Eliminating Gender Based Violence from 25th November - 10th December, 2024
5th International Conference on Women and Religion
Two Day National Conference On “Socio, Cultural & Gender context of Twenty-firtst century and women’s urdu literature” (Ekkiswin Sadi Ka Samaji, Saqafati – Wa-Sinfi Tanazur Aur Urdu Ka Nisayee Adab)
Self Defence Training for Girls
One Day Symposium on Muslim Women in the Indian Subcontinent
Parchaee Ismat Aur Manto Ki
In commemoration of International Women's Day - Symposium entitled "COUNT HER IN: GENDER EQUALITY THROUGH EMPOWERMENT"
Extension Lecture entitled "Women's Law and Empowerment"
An Extension Lecture on Gender in the Indian Context Concerns & Challenges
Awareness and Sensitization Programme
Memorandum of Understanding
Two Day National Conference entitled “Women Writings and Literary Culture in Urdu and the Deccan: Contemporary Perspective”
Screening of Documentary On "Women and Invisible Work"
International women's day celebrations 2023
International women's Day. 2023
Film Exhibition at Open Air Theatre from 27 February 2023 onwards at 7 PM
Sughra Humayun Mirza Memorial Lecture
International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women & Discrimination against Women Pakhwada
Patriarchy and Women’s Resistance in Writings of Sylvia Plath
Religion & Gender: Beliefs, Practices and Beyond
International Seminar: Religion and Gender: Beliefs, Practices and Beyond
Women Freedom Fighters
Alumni-Scholars and Students Meet 2022
Free Online Training - Women's Health & Hygiene 'Menstrual Hygiene'
Gender & Inclusion: a focus on Muslim Women
Chand Bibi Sultan: A Warrior Queen of Deccan
International Women's Day-2022
Fifth International Social Sciences Congress, under the School of Arts and Social Sciences
Fourth National Urdu Social Science Congress, under the School of Arts and Social Sciences
Workshop on 'Empathetic Leadership, contextualized for Indian Muslim Women' scheduled for 24th of Oct., 2020, In collaboration with Led Foundation
Workshop on 'Empathetic Leadership, contextualized for Indian Muslim Women' scheduled for 24th of October 2020
Third National Social Sciences Congress, under the School of Arts and Social Sciences
Second National Urdu Social Science Congres, under the School of Arts and Social Sciences
Competition on “Laws Related to Women”, in Collaboration with National Comission for Women
Four day Leadership Program on “Issues of Gender in today’s context”, In collaboration with Rubaroo
Inter-religious understanding and towards gender justice, Preliminary meet
First National Urdu Social Science Congres, under the School of Arts and Social Sciences
In line with strengthening the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, preparing a Resource Guide for promoting ,
Lecture for Students of St. Olaf College- Global Semester Group, USA (Women in Islam)
Agaaz-e- Baatcheet (Orientation and Workshop ) in collaboration with Rubaroo and BDHC)
Life in multi-religious society, Situation of the ethnic and Religious Minorities in India, (Lecture for German Pastors)