The teachers of MANUU use online education resources, social networking sites, blended learning platforms like google classroom to effectively deliver teaching and provide enhanced learning experience to the students.
The teachers of the Department of Computer Science and Technology naturally leads in the complete adoption of ICT enabled tools to render teaching; nontheless, almost all the teachers use in some way or other ICT tools to teach and train their students.
The Department of English, the Department of Education and Training, and Department of Mass Communication and Journalism etc. have laboratories relevant to their subjects. These laboratories fortify the knowledge acquired in tradtional classes. Software available on line is integrated with teacher’s explanation and students are encouraged to learn and practice through interactive activities. All the departments have LCD projectors which are used for screening educational movies, documentaries and for making power point presentations.
Fundamentals of Information Technology (FIT) is a compulsory subject that is taught in the first semester to all students in order to familiarize them with technology based learning.
Teachers prepare modules on important topics which are produced and recorded by the Instructional Media Centre and made available for students on line.The use of ICT by teachers in classrooms apart from enabling students to keep pace with the contemporary digital and virtual world has helped MANUU create a student centric learing approach.
You- Tube, E- mails, WhatsApp group, Zoom and Google classrooms are used as platforms to communicate, provide material and syllabus, make annoucements, conduct tests, upload assignments, make presentations, address queries, mentor and share information.
Internet and Wifi facility is made available to all the students of MANUU Campus at Headquarters, free of charge. MANUU website carries a weblink for E-content/study material of different courses and subjects (, so that their learning can be strengthened and made effective.
The library also provides access to computers and on line journals freely available in public domain and also to journals subscribed on the advice of faculty and facilitates downloads. Anti -plagiarism soft ware is used to check authenticity of thesis submitted by scholars. Photocopying facility is also provided. Hostels are also equipped with computer labs and Wifi facility to encourage learning.
Every teacher is necessarily required to upload students’ attendance, internal asssessment marks and term end assessment marks in addition to the feedback on the course and the class that they taught on their MANUU provided iUMs portal. On the other hand, the students’ get all their academic information on their iUMS portal provided by MANUU. The students are also required to provide online feed back on the curriculum and teaching-learning environment on every course in every semester.
PhD viva, Research Advisory meetings and Board of Studies are held on telecommunication applications like Skype etc.