Submitted by Saddam1211 on Tue, 06/09/2020 - 11:24
2.3 Teaching - Learning Process 2.3.3 Ratio of students to mentor for academic and other related issues (Data for the latest completed academic year data) Number of mentors
Number of students assigned to each Mentor

Formula: Mentor : Mentee


File Description

  • Upload year wise, number of students enrolled and full time teachers on roll.
  • Circulars pertaining to assigning mentors to mentees mentor/mentee ratio
Criterion-II–Teaching-Learning-and-Evaluation collapse10 Teaching-Learning-Process Department of Social Work - Mentors & Mentees 2014-20 Department of CS & IT Mentor and Mentees 2014-19 Department of Economics - Mentors & Mentees 2015-20 Department of Education & Training - M.Ed Guide List 2014-2015 Department of Education & Training - Mentor Mentee Programme Department of Education & Training - Ph.D. Research Guides List Department of Education & Training M.Ed. Guides List 2015-219 Department of Education & Training M.Ed. Guides List 2015-219 Department of Education & Training Project work Department of English - List of Mentors Department of English - Mentor List Notice Department of English - Mentors Notice 2020-21 Department of Hindi - Mentors & Mentees 2014-20 Department of History - Mentors & Mentees 2014-20 Department of MCJ - Mentors & Mentees 2014-19 Department of Political Science - Mentors & Mentees 2015-20 Department of Public Administration - Mentors & Mentees 2014-20 Department of Sociology - Mentors & Mentees 2015-20 Department of Islamic Studies Mentoring System Department of Women Studies- Mentors & Mentees Department of Women Studies- Mentors & Mentees Combined Department of Social Work- Mentors & Mentees School of Sciences - Mentors & Mentees Mentor and Mentee List of students from 2014 to 2019 – submission, CTE Bhopal Mentor-Mentee (B.Ed ) (2014 to 2019) CTE Bhopal Mentor-Mentee (M.Ed ) (2014 to 2019) CTE Bhopal Data Template: Mentor-Mantee Metric Circular