- Introduction:
University Grants Commission (UGC), Distance Education Bureau (DEB), National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE), Executive Council & Academic Council of MANUU are the guiding forces of Directorate of Distance Education, MANUU in its academic and administrative endeavours. DDE, MANUU frames all its policies and programmes in the light of guidelines and notifications issued by the aforesaid bodies / authorities. Therefore, Directorate of Distance Education’s mechanism to provide academic counselling support is based on the UGC regulations and orders issued by the competent authorities of MANUU.
- Mechanism of Academic Counselling of UG & PG Programmes :
UGC (Open and Distance Learning) Regulations, 2017, Annexure VII deals with Quality Assurance Guidelines of Learning Material in Multiple Media, Human Resource, Curriculum and Pedagogy. In this annexure, UGC has given norms for the effective delivery of distance education programmes which are as under (page no.62);
No. of Assignments |
Practical Sessions |
No. of Counselling Sessions Theory (10% of total study hours) |
Size of SLMs Range (in terms of units, to be divided into blocks) |
Study input |
Credit Value of the course |
1 |
60 hours |
6 hours |
6-8 units |
60 hours |
2 Credits |
2 |
120 hours |
12 hours |
14-16 units |
120 hours |
4 Credits |
3 |
180 hours |
18 hours |
20-24 units |
180 hours |
6 Credits |
4 |
240 hours |
24 hours |
30-34 units |
240 hours |
8 Credits |
The Academic Council of the University in its 27th Meeting held on 5th September, 2017 adopted UGC (Open and Distance Learning) Regulations, 2017 (Under Item No. 27.3.03). Further, the Executive Council of MANUU in its 63rd meeting held on 7th September, 2017 ratified the same (27th Academic Council (Item No. 63.4 (1)). Therefore, Annexure VII (Enclosed at Exhibit 1) is the bases of DDE’s mechanism of Academic Counselling Support for all UG and PG programmes. DDE follows the aforesaid regulations in letter and spirit.
DDE provides academic counselling support with the help of 135 Learner Support Centres spread all across the country. At present DDE runs following UG & PG Programmes;
Program |
Program Duration |
Min: 2 Yrs. Max: 4 Yrs. |
Min: 2 Yrs. Max: 4 Yrs. |
Min: 2 Yrs. Max: 4 Yrs. |
Min: 2 Yrs. Max: 4 Yrs. |
Min: 2 Yrs. Max: 4 Yrs. |
Min: 2 Yrs. Max: 4 Yrs. |
Min: 3 Yrs. Max: 6 Yrs. |
Min: 3 Years Max: 6 Years |
Min: 3 Years Max: 6 Years |
Min: 3 Years Max: 6 Years |
The following procedure is followed before organizing academic counselling at the Learner Support Centres:
Step 1 |
MoU with LSC is renewed every year |
Step 2 |
Approval is accorded to Academic Counsellors of LSCs |
Step 3 |
Self Learning Material is dispatched well in advance to the students. The SLM is also uploaded on website for online access/ |
Step 4 |
LSCs and Students are informed about Academic Counselling Sessions through Emails, SMS alerts and Website Notifications. |
Step 5 |
Academic Counselling Sessions/ Practicals/ Workshops are conducted as per schedule |
Step 6 |
Bills are processed for payments of Academic Counsellors and other part time staff as per the norms of the university |
Step 7 |
The rates of honorarium of academic counsellors and part time staff are prescribed and approved by the competent authority of the University. The claims of honorarium are processed and remitted to their respective individual accounts. |
The Students remain in contact with the Learner Support Centre Co-ordinator for counselling classes and for any academic purpose they can contact the Programme Co-ordinator at the Headquarter. The schedule of academic counselling of the current academic year is enclosed for further details at Exhibit 2.
- Mechanism of Academic Counselling for Diploma & Certificate Programmes :
Study material is dispatched to students of Diploma and Certificate programmes. Although academic counselling is not conducted for these courses, Guidance is provided through correspondence and e-mail by the concerned Programme Co-ordinator at Directorate of Distance Education, Hyderabad. DDE runs following Diploma and Certificate Programmes;
Program |
Program Duration |
Min: 1 Year Max: 2 Years |
Min: 1 Year - Max: 2 Years |
Min: 6 months Max: 2 Years |
Min: 6 months Max: 2 Years |
- Mechanism of Academic Counselling of B.Ed (DM) Programmes :
NCTE is the statutory body that regulates teacher education in the country. Hence, MANUU adopted NCTE Norms and Standards, 2014 for all of its teacher education programmes of regular and distance mode. NCTE Norms and Standards, 2014 for B.Ed (ODL) Programme (Point 6.4, Page. No. 147), mentions the guidelines of academic counselling sessions and other activities for the students of B.Ed (DM) programme (The concerned document is enclosed at Exhibit 3).
DDE runs B.Ed (ODL) programme and adheres to the norms and standards of NCTE for the concerned programme in letter and spirit. At present DDE has 22 Learner Support Centres exclusively for B.Ed (DM) programme that provides academic counselling support to in-service teachers of B. Ed (DM) programme. The schedule of B.Ed (DM) Counselling and Workshop for the current year is enclosed at Exhibit 4.
- Student Support Unit:
DDE has a separate Student Support Unit to provide both ‘learner support’ and ‘learning support’ services to distance learners. Learner support comprises all the assistance provided to the student regarding administration, of the distance education programs, such as; promoting distance programs, publishing information brochures, giving information regarding admission, qualification, fees, duration and benefits of the programs, notification of assignments, practicals and examinations, distribution of print study materials, etc. Learning support comprises assistance regarding academic activities, for ex; guidance and counselling of the students, tutoring, assistance in examination preparation, providing e-learning resources, open educational resources and so on.
- Remuneration for different activities of Academic Counselling Support:
The details of remuneration to academic counsellors, coordinators, support staff, etc., of Learner Support Centres of UG/PG and B.Ed Courses of Directorate of Distance Education are mentioned in University Notification wide no. MANUU/Acad./F.67 (XXX)/2018-19/R-04 dated 16th April, 2018 which is enclosed at Exhibit 5.
- Summing Up:
In this way, DDE is committed to provide both learner support and learning support services to distance learners in the light of UGC (Open & Distance Education) Regulation, 2017, NCTE Norms and Standards, 2014 and orders/notifications of competent authorities of the University.