The MANUU Library System, comprising of all the libraries of MANUU at the main campus and other satellite campuses, has been working to ensure that it provides the best services to its users i.e. faculty, students and staff of the University.
The Central Library of the University is fully automated using KOHA Open Source LMS with electro-magnetic tapes security gate installed in the library in the year 2008. KOHA LMS provides access to bibliographic records of all the print books available in the library, full-text of e-books, institutional repositories (using DSpace), other useful resources etc. The library OPAC along with hyperlinks to various resources including the institutional repositories may be consulted at
To meet the growing needs for electronic resources and for maintaining highest academic integrity in university publications, various steps were undertaken by the library during the past few years. This includes integration of various print and electronic resources, creation of institutional repositories, digitization of rare books/documents, subscription to some of the best e-resources like Brill Encyclopaedia of Islam, Turnitin plagiarism software, Times of India archive, etc. Besides these, the library has access to databases provided by INFLIBNET under e-ShodhSindhu.
The library has about 900 e-book titles of various publishers including Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Sage, Elsevier, and Taylor & Francis, Orient Blackswan, etc. In the year 2017-18, MANUU decided to collaborate with Rekhta Foundation (a public charitable Trust for promotion of Urdu language, literature and culture, Delhi) for digitizing its rare collection. About 3-4 hundred rare books have been digitized and the complete digitization process if expected to be completed by June 2021.
Al-Hilal and Al-Balagh (published by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad published by Uttar Pradesh Urdu Academy were digitized in the year 2019 and can be accessed from the library portal i.e.
Digitization of MANUU Question Papers of all the previous years since inception of the University has been completed and added to the Institutional Repository which can be accessed, downloaded and printed by students of all the MANUU campuses including the main campus. Convocation speeches of past and present Vice-Chancellors can also be downloaded/printed from the MANUU library portal. Faculty Publications, few rare books, and Islami Mutalaat (a wall magazine by the research scholars of Islamic Studies Department) are also available on MANUU institutional repository portal.
The direct access internet link of MANUU institutional repositories is