Encouragement of Participative Decision Making process
The leadership of the University has adopted a decentralized and participative style of functioning under which day to day governance is administered through Committee based decisions. Representation of teachers have been made in administrative committees and similarly participation of statutory officers of administration and finance were encouraged in academic committees to provide necessary inputs so that the decisions and/or recommendations arrived at such deliberations and meetings are converted into concrete action. The leadership of the University though periodical review meetings of various committees constituted for bringing improvement in the governance of the University activities monitored and brought substantial improvements.
The recommendations and reports of these specialized internal committees were subsequently considered and monitored by the University Authority bodies such as Academic Council and Executive Council for further implementation. Such steps gave clear goals and mission to the stake holders and brought a positive culture of belongingness among the faculty members, resulted innovation and vast improvements in the University Governance.
Admissions in the University are done through the Directorate of Admissions through online mode. The admission tests are conducted through the Examination Branch of the University which holds such all India level tests in close coordination with the Directorate of Admissions and in the case of distance mode examination in consultation with the Director, Distance Education.
The University adopted service rules and financial rules as applicable to the Government of India institutions. The General Financial Rules have been adopted and successfully implemented. The University conforms to the minimum audit standards prescribed by the Government of India. Accounts of the University are audited regularly by the office of the Comptroller and Auditor General.
The University was chosen one of the ten Central Universities for performance audit by the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India in the year 2018-19. There were no major audit observations pointed out by the C&AG after an exhaustive audit of the University.
The University has been sanctioned over Rs. 75.96 crore for nine on-going construction projects under HEFA by the Ministry of Education (Government of India, Department Higher Education) in June 2020.Out of which three projects have been completed as on August 2021.