Submitted by MSQURESHI on Mon, 10/12/2020 - 11:14
Press Release : Oct 10, 2020 Press Release : Oct 10, 2020 Press Release : Oct 10, 2020 PressRelease

MANUU advised to explore launching of online courses Webinar on “NEP” inaugurated

Maulana Azad National Urdu University today organized a national webinar "Spirit of National Education Policy 2020".

The chief guest, Prof. V S Prasad, eminent academic administrator and former Vice-Chancellor of BR Ambedkar Open University and IGNOU, ex-Director NAAC, delivered keynote address titled “National Education Policy 2020 – An Integrated Approach to MANUU”. Prof. S M Rahmatullah, Vice Chancellor I/c presided over the webinar.  

While addressing, Prof. Prasad, in the light of the new education policy, advised the Urdu University to go for triple mode of education by launching online courses. MANUU already runs courses in regular mode and ODL. He said that the new policy could be implemented effectively through an integrated approach and strategy. Prof. Prasad also suggested to explore the  inter-disciplinary  combinations  in 75 courses offered by MANUU. Quoting former President of India, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Prof. Prasad said both vision and mission are important to achieve the desired results. Action is hallow without a vision and mere road map is not enough to achieve the target. He said that full utilization of human potential, education for the development of the country are  among the main objectives of this policy.

Prof. Rahmatullah in his presidential address emphasized on making full use of the unique mandate given to Urdu University in the light of NEP. He termed the new education policy as a revolutionary initiative and said that special attention has been paid to the quality of education and research.

Earlier, Prof. Siddiqui Mohammad Mahmood, Registrar in Charge, in his welcome address pointed out some important aspects of the new education policy. He said that special attention has been paid to pre-primary education. MANUU can take initiative in this regard by under taking a pilot project of primary education in Urdu medium, he said.

Prof. Salma Ahmed Siddiqui, Dean Research and Consultancy conducted the proceedings and introduced the guest speaker. Prof. Saneem Fatima, Dean Academics & Convener Webinar proposed vote of thanks.

The objective of the webinar is to understand vision, to identify challenges in the implementation and to prepare roadmap for MANUU in the light of of NEP 2020.

Prof. Mohammad Akhtar Siddiqui, Dean, Faculty of Education, JMI, Prof. Ramesh Ghanta, Designated Professor, Dept. of E & T and member NCTE, Prof. S M I A Zaidi, Head, Dept of Educ. & Planning, NIEPA and Prof. V Venkaiah, Advisor, Directorate of Distance Education, MANUU and Former VC, Krishna University addressed the technical sessions on various aspects of new education Policy after the Inaugural.  Prof. Naseemuddin Faris, Prof. Shahida, Prof. M. Vanaja and Prof. Gulfishan Habeeb anchored the technical sessions which included question and answers.

Under the supervision of Mr. Rizwan Ahamd, Director, IMC webinar was webcasted live on YouTube Channel MANUU’s team at the Center for Information Technology, led by Dr. Mohammad Kamil, made the technical arrangements. Prof. Abdul Wahid, Prof. Ehtesham Ahmad Khan, Prof. Parveen Jahan, Prof. Syed Mohammad Haseebuddin Quadri, Prof. Salma Ahmad Farooqui, Prof. Syed Najam ul Hassan, Dr. Mohammad Kamil, Dr. M A Sikandar, Prof. Saneem Fatima were among the members of the Steering Committee.

MANUU PR - 10.10.2020.pdf