Describe two practices institutionalized as a result of IQAC initiatives
MANUU has institutionalized the following two quality initiatives of IQAC:
- Online Student Feedback System and 2) Display and Discussion of the Answer Scripts
1) Feedback System
IQAC has developed an online pro forma of student feedback to gather information from the students about the courses of their study, their objectives, relevance, availability of learning resources, teaching methodology and so on. The Departments of University had been receiving students’ feedback manually for the past few years; however, this online feedback system has been introduced and implemented as a quality initiative and a way to make student feedback system more effective and efficient, as it involves all the students of the University to assess and improve the curriculum of the programmes of study, and quality of teaching and learning in the University. The students’ feedback is provided to all the teachers on their iUMS portal on any course that they taught, so that they bring improvement in their teaching and strengthen it. Nevertheless, the students’ identity remains concealed from the teachers.
The feedback form remains available on the iUMS dashboard of all the students, who are required to provide feedback on every course that they pursued in any programme at the end of each semester before they take their semester examinations. The entire system has been developed and implemented by IQAC and maintained by Centre for Information Technology (CIT), MANUU. The feedback system has been implemented with the 2018 December semester examinations, and the report has been conveyed to all the concerned for reflection and improvement. The decision to go online for feedback had been taken in the first meeting of the reconstituted IQAC held on 28th May 2018.
2) Display and Discussion of the Answer Scripts
MANUU in order to advance the quality of teaching, learning, transparency in evaluation and to advance the concept of meaningful learning introduced a system of displaying answer scripts/booklets and discussing the answer scripts with the students after each semester examination. The students are provided this opportunity so that they see their own answer scripts after the evaluation, discuss their answers/responses with the teachers, and if they commit any mistakes, know about them and find out the ways to fix and rectify them from their teachers. This course of action was recommended by IQAC, MANUU as a quality initiative to enhance the quality of teaching, learning and evaluation. If any student has any concern in respect of evaluation, the matter can be brought to the Evaluation Grievance Redressal Committee (EGRC), which comprises HoD, one senior teacher and the teacher concerned who evaluated/ taught the subject/paper. In addition to this if the student still has any concern, they are provided the option of re-evaluation as well. The system has been implemented from 2019 May semester examinations, it was approved in the 32nd Academic Council Meeting held in October 2018. This is one of the biggest initiatives of IQAC which it implemented with the collaboration of Examination Branch, MANUU. In this regard a workshop in April 2019 was also conducted. The workshop was recorded and broadcast live by IMC, MANUU and is made available on You Tube (link: