Submitted by MSQURESHI on Wed, 06/03/2020 - 13:09
7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities 7.1.3 Describe the facilities in the Institution for the management of the following types of degradable and non-degradable waste (within 500 words)
Solid waste management
Liquid waste management
Biomedical waste management
 E-waste  management
Waste recycling system
Hazardous chemicals and radioactive waste management
  1. Solid waste management
  2. Biomedical waste management
  3. Waste recycling system

The university facilitates several techniques for the management of degradable and non-degradable waste. The primary focus is to reduce, reuse and recycle the waste. The university management has also advised to refuse anything which is not needed. The university has different dustbins to segregate the different waste like solid, biomedical, etc. There are committees that deal with the minimization of waste. Every day the waste is collected in bins and disposed to a place where it can be converted into manure.

In addition to this the university has organized many workshops on the implementation of these techniques effectively. Training programmes are conducted from time to time about the methodology of disposing the waste. It was stressed that we should avoid plastic items to the best possible capacity. Moreover, there is the connection with the manufacturers of plastic recycling to ensure the wastage is recycled. It is also advised that the university should use utensils made of glass and metal.

For solid waste management different bins have been placed at different departments. This ensures that solid waste segregated at the source. It is also ensured that the recycling of all these components is done in minimum cost and labour. Suitable techniques are applied for disposing of solid waste. The garbage generated is preferably treated at the site of generation.

For biomedical waste there is a classification of the waste in hazardous and non-hazardous or infectious and other hazardous. Since, university has a primary health center therefore, the waste like plastic disposables, liquid waste and other things are again segregated then collected and kept in a storage then transported and finally sent for the treatment of the disposal.

For the personal protection it has been advised to use masks while handling the waste. Moreover, wearing head gears, eye covers, apron, gloves and boots as they help in fighting the transmission of infection. It is also advised to immunize against Hepatitis B for necessary precautions.

The university has organized Swach Bharat Mission. Under this banner the utility of recycling the solid and biomedical waste has been elaborated. People from different aspects of life delivered their talks about the proper usage of waste. Moreover, the NSS volunteers have also demonstrated the proper procedure of disposing the waste in a selected village called Narsingi.

Waste recycling involves the collection of waste materials and segregation of the waste material. The university has set up a recycling programme to meet the need of recycling the waste. The university is trying to get in touch with the top level administration and their support to ensure that the waste is properly recycled. An overview is done every week to identify where the recyclable materials are generated in order to place the bins efficiently for recycling. Moreover, the university is also looking for the possible substitutes to deduce the waste to the best possible extent. Finally, all schools and centers associated with MANUU are educated from time to time about the process of recycling the waste. Hence, MANUU is determined to provide all possible facilities to deal with the degradable and non-degradable waste.

Solid waste management

Biomedical Waste management

Waste Recycling System

Criterion-VII–Institutional-Values-and-Best-Practices collapse3 Institutional-Values-and-Social-Responsibilities