Submitted by Saddam1211 on Tue, 03/02/2021 - 15:19
Executive Summary Criterion-wise Summary on the Institution’s functioning: Criterion-VII : Institutional Values and Best Practices

The values of MANUU are determined by its vision and mission. The core values are displayed on MANUU’s website, however, the University is completely committed to the academic welfare of all its students. It wishes to provide education so that its graduates become dignified in all spheres and activities of their lives, be it professional, personal or social. It desires that its graduates remain composed during period of crises, balanced during periods of political or social extremities, and compassionate towards the poor and the oppressed. 

MANUU provides its student a serene atmosphere, dignified stay and a chance to build their career though traditional and digital learning resources. From the green lawns and parks to the Library, from hygienic hostels to well-equipped gymnasiums, from outdoor and indoor facilities to cultural centres, everything is made available for the students to enhance their learning experience and to make them realize that they have a responsibility to carry out in terms of taking care of those who do not have all these facilities available.

MANUU’s campus is clean and green. MANUU carries out plantation drive periodically. It has fixed auto-timers for streetlights in the Campus in order to conserve energy. Solar energy is utilized in Hostels and Guest House for water heating.  A water pond for harvesting water is constructed in the Campus near CSE Coaching Academy building. 

MANUU’s Best Practice:

MANUU in order to advance the quality of teaching, learning, transparency in evaluation and to advance the concept of meaningful learning introduced a system of showing and discussing the answer scripts with the students after the completion of each semester examination. The students are provided this opportunity to see their own answer scripts after the evaluation, discuss their answers with the teachers, and if they commit any mistakes, know about them and find out the ways to fix and rectify them from their teachers.

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