4.3.6 ICT enabled facilities at DDE
Number of rooms and seminar halls with ICT enabled facilities/Wi-Fi/LAN | Type of ICT facility and Configuration |
336 |
Number of rooms and seminar halls with ICT enabled facilities/Wi-Fi/LAN | Type of ICT facility and Configuration |
336 |
4.3.5 Institution has the following Facilities for e-content development
Available bandwidth of internet connection in the Institution (Leased line)
A. ≥1 GBPS
Number of Students: Number of Computers
Total Number of students = 4157
In its initial years, the Centre for Information Technology had setup a LAN using OFC and WiMAX backbone. Since 2016, the center has evolved from a small computing facility to an important central facility.
Number of Classrooms and Seminar Halls with ICT Facilities = 40 + 13=53