ڈاکٹر محمد رضوان
اسسٹنٹ پروفیسر
Email Id :rizwan93jnu@gmail.com
Phone :091-9844963518
Research Publication of ڈاکٹر محمد رضوان
Published Papers:
- Mohammad Rizwan, “Situating Medieval Indian Historiography Through Literary Records: A Study of Tabqat-e-Nasiri as a Historical Text”, published in Khuda Bakhsh Library Journal, No.135, January-March, 2004, pp.49-59.
- Md. Rizwan, “Understanding of some historical issues of early Sultanate period through Textual analysis: with special reference to Tajul Ma’athir”, published in Khuda Bakhsh Library Journal , No.146, October -December, 2006, pp. 47-60.
- Rizwan Mohammad, “Understanding of some historical issues of early Sultanate period through Textual analysis: with special reference to Tajul Ma’athir”, published in the proceeding of Indian History Congress & Indian Council of Historical Research, Library Cum Documentation Centre categorised journal, Indo-Iranica, ISSN: 0378-0856: Volume No. 63(3-4), 2010, pp.76-86.
- Md. Rizwan, “Language Proficiency in Second Language Learners of Urdu Speaker, with reference to Persian Phonology” published in the online linguistics Journal, Language in India www.languageinindia.com ,Vol. II:9, Sept. 2011, ISSN 1930-2940, pp.240-253.
- Md. Rizwan, “Conventional vs. Modern Trends in Testing”, published in Language in India (online) Linguistics Journal, ISSN 1930-2940 Vol.14:11 November, 2014, pp.190-200.(www.languageinindia.com).
- Md. Rizwan, “Evaluating the distinct use of Meaning Relationship at Semantic Level”, in Language in India (online) Linguistics Journal, ISSN 1930-2940 Vol.16:11 November, 2016, pp.154-168.(www.languageinindia.com).
- Md. Rizwan, “Meaning as an Aspect of Semantics in Language Curriculum” in Language in India (online) Linguistics Journal, ISSN 1930-2940 Vol.18:3 March, 2018, pp.388-397.(www.languageinindia.com). India’s Higher Education Authority UGC Approved List of Journals Serial Number 49042.
- Dr Manzoor Hassan Gadda & Dr Md Rizwan, “ Nigahi-e- ajmali be Ahwal - o - Fun -e- sheri -e- Maulana Khamush Kareri” , published in Mojalla-i-Tahqiqa-i-Farsi, Department of Persian, University of Delhi, Delhi, ISSN:2395-3667, 2021, PP.125-136.
Books & Chapters
- Co-Author, Farhang-e-Istelahat-e-Ta’een -e-Qadr (Urdu-English & English -Urdu), Edited by Pon Subbiah, no. co-authors 8, ISBN-81-7342-103-X, pp-83. May, 2011:
- Co-Author, Waza-e-A’am Hawala Urdu Version-General Frame of Reference (Language, Literature, Personality), Edited by Pon Subbaih, no. co-authors 8, ISBN-81-7342-101-3, pp-170. July, 2012
- Co-Author, Istelahat-e-Ta’een-e-Qadr ki Tauzihi Kitab (Urdu Version-An Introduction to Evaluation Terminology) Edited by Pon Subbaih and M BalaKumar, no. co-authors 8, ISBN-978-81-7343-127-2,pp-436. May, 2013
- Co-Author, Concept Based Continuum of Graded Syllabi(CCGS), Edited by Pankaj Dwivedi, no. co-authors 8, ISBN-978-81-7343-171-5, pp-142.October, 2016
- Semantic, Zuban ke Amumi Aba’ad-Tasuwwurati Tauzih (General Aspects of Language- Conceptual Explanation), ISBN-978-81-7343-180-7-pp166. : 2017
- Asnafiyat Nasar-III, Adab ke Amumi Aba’ad-Tasuwwurati Tauzih (General Aspects of Literature Conceptual Explanation), IISBN-978-81-7343-183-8 pp-285. : 2017
- Adabi Jahat ke Marhalewar Farogh ka Taaruf, Tasawwur par Mobni Darjah band Tasalsuli Nisab, ISBN-978-81-7343-184-2 , Pp.114. : 2017