Submitted by Saddam1211 on Tue, 06/09/2020 - 11:24
2.3 Teaching - Learning Process 2.3.1 Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences

The University practices a teaching methodology which focuses on imparting education through a student centric approach. This methodology helps to transform students from being relegated to the role of passive recipients to active and involved stake holders, apart from boosting their confidence and encouraging independence. Since students vary in their ability to comprehend and absorb it is not possible to address the needs and expectations of individual students and expect a uniform learning outcome from them all in a teacher centric class. The teacher facilitates learning by allowing each individual student to comprehend at their personal ensuring their involvement in class activities so that they can absorb and grasp information at their own pace.

Courses of the University are defined highlighting course objectives, programme specific objectives and programme outcomes. This provides a comprehensive understanding to the student right at the beginning of the course as to what should be the primary focus. It also helps them in self-evaluating their performance at the conclusion of the course. Feedback of the Course and teachers, given by students at the end of each semester provides an opportunity to identify any lacunae which can then be addressed.

Teachers make classes as interactive as possible and encourage innovative thought and novel interpretations. Audio- Visual methodology, Language Lab, Google Classroom, Industrial Visits, Field Work and Projects are some of the means utilize by the Departments to provide experiential and participative learning.

Internal assessments are so planned so as to encourage students to work independently. Written Assignments are required to be submitted by students and these need to be done individually by researching on the given topic so as to enhance confidence, develop writing skills and hone style, apart from inculcating an interest in research activities. Seminars, which form the second component of internal assessment, help students present their assignments before the entire class helping them overcome stage fear and develop oratory prowess.

Apart from these, in addtion to the doctoral research progrmmes, the subjects/courses in BTech, BEd, MEd, MBA, MCJ, MSW etc. involve field work, internship, projects and so on which help students aquire experiential learning and problem solving ability.

Discussions and debates on contemporary issues are encouraged so that students can reflect and analyse by eliciting responses to the subject under discussion. Ability Enhancement, Generic and Skill Enhancement courses are offered to provide and prepare students for life. Non-CGPA courses include sports, and arts like calligraphy are provided to evolve asthetics of the students. NSS Cell and NCC sub-unit have been set-up for the students to participate, integrate and learn.

Student representation in administration is an important initiative taken by the University. Representatives of students serve as members on committees like Internal Quaity Assurance Cell, Internal Complaints Committee, Grievance Cell in order to involve them in the decision making process and maintain transparency apart from inculcating a sense of responsibility in them.

Criterion-II–Teaching-Learning-and-Evaluation collapse8 Teaching-Learning-Process