Submitted by MSQURESHI on Thu, 06/11/2020 - 11:17
6.2. Strategy Development and Deployment 6.2.2. The functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative setup, appointment and service rules, procedures, etc.


  1. Organizational Structure: - The University functions in a well structured environment as mandated under the University Act which are as under: -

  1. The Court;

  2. The Executive Council;

  3. The Academic Council;

  4. The Finance Committee;

  5. School of Studies;

  6. Board of Studies of Departments;

These authority bodies are adequately represented by the main stakeholders of the University either through membership or special invitee mode which makes these councils/committees as inclusive and more participative.

Besides, the University has constituted various Committees to encourage participation of stakeholders in the University viz. Building Committee, Building Monitoring Committee, Standing Committee on the Academic Council, Equivalence Committee, Advisory Committee on Students, Hostel Management Committee, Institutional Academic Integrity Panel (IAIP), International Travel Grants Committee, Disciplinary Committee on Students, Library Advisory Committee, Research Advisory Committee, Advisory Committee for Centre of Studies and Directorates, Admission Committee, Committee for Allotment of Staff Quarters, Audit Monitoring Committee.

  1. Service Rules and Procedure: - The University has adopted UGC Service Conditions for Teaches as provided under the Statutes provided under Act. The teaching and non-teaching staff of the University is governed by various provisions of CCS (Conduct) and CCS (CCA) Rules as prescribed under Ordinance and decisions of the Executive Council. There is no ambiguity in implementing the service rules and procedure for teaching and non-teaching staff in the University. Rotational transfers among non-teaching staff are effected as and when required.

  1. Recruitment Process: The recruitment of teaching staff is governed by the minimum eligibility conditions as prescribed under the UGC/AICTE/NCTE Regulations, as the case may be, from time to time. The procedure for screening, short-listing and inviting applications and interview of teaching positions are governed by the Ordinance duly approved by the Government of India published under the official gazette of India. In the case of non-teaching positions, the recruitment and selection process are governed under Ordinance-1 (MANUU Cadre Recruitment (Non-Teaching including Library and Physical Education) Rules, 2017.

  1. Promotional Policies: - The promotional policies for teaching and other academic staff are governed by UGC Regulations and the non-teaching staff are governed under MANUU Cadre Recruitment Rules under Ordinance-1.

  1. Grievance Redressal Mechanism: - The leadership of the University promotes an open-door policy to redress the grievances of the stakeholders viz. Students and staff. There are elected Associations for Students, Teachers, University Officers and Staff and elections are held regularly. The Vice-Chancellor and his team meet the office bearers of these associations on regular intervals to sort out the grievances. There is a statutory appeal under section 33 of the University Act according to which any aggrieved student, teacher or staff can prefer on the decisions of any statutory officer or authority can prefer an appeal to the Executive Council. Because of the intervention of the university administration, the number of grievances were reduced to a few and the open-door policy also helped to reduce the number of RTI queries in the past years.

Criterion-VI–Governance-Leadership-and-Management collapse4 Strategy-Development-and-Deployment