Submitted by MSQURESHI on Tue, 12/22/2020 - 12:44
6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System 6.5.3 Incremental improvements made for the preceding five years with regard to quality (in case of first cycle)
Post accreditation quality initiatives (second and subsequent cycles)

(Describe quality enhancement initiatives in the academic and administrative domains)


1) Complete Adoption of Choice Based Credit System

As a quality measure and in line with the direction of University Grants Commission (UGC) MANUU has adopted Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) for all its campus mode education programmes. MANUU offers all its Undergraduate, Postgraduate and PhD programmes (course works) in accordance with CBCS. Though University has initiated its UG programmes in the CBCS pattern, they were also revised to match the template and curriculum recommended by UGC. In this regard the Heads of the Departments conducted Boards of Studies meetings and had all the courses revised and modified to bring these in line by and large with the course content and structure as recommended by UGC. The ability enhancement courses, skill enhancement courses, generic elective courses, and so on have been offered to the students. The Departmental Academic Coordinators were appointed who could facilitate in helping students to understand, choose and register the courses that they wish to opt for any programme in any given semester. CBCS course codes for all the courses offered in all the programmes were developed accordingly. Everything has been put in place for the complete implementation of CBCS: for example, the hours of teaching for each course, credits required for completing any course, value-added courses, or Non-Credit CGPA courses etc. The CBCS has been fully implemented in almost all programmes. However, as MANUU teaches all the courses in Urdu save language courses, it maintained its linguistic distinctiveness by making certain allowances in the structure of the CBCS programmes thus offered.  



2) Educational, Scientific and Technological Material Translation in Urdu

The vision, objects, and mission of MANUU is to provide higher Education in Urdu. For, the advancement of education in Urdu, one of the post accreditation efforts of MANUU is the establishment of the Directorate of Translation and Publications (DTP). The initiative is to develop original course material for educational programmes that MANUU offers, and translate professional, technical and vocational knowledge from English (and other languages) to Urdu and publish them. Further, The DTP is entrusted with the publication of University and departmental journals and books by individual faculty as well.


3) Establishment of Directorate of Admissions

Maulana Azad National Urdu University established the Directorate of Admissions (DoA) for centralizing the process of admissions and for bringing transparency and uniformity in admission process. As the University’s jurisdiction extends to the whole of India, a centralised Directorate of Admission strengthened by the available means of information technology was felt essential to maintain the uniformity in the process of admission in terms of conduct of examinations, declaration of results and admissions of the candidates in the programmes of study offered by the University. DoA in collaboration with Examination Branch and Centre for Information Technology, MANUU has been conducting centralised admissions since 2017-2018 batches.

4) International Collaborations

MANUU has entered into Memorandum of Understanding with several International and National Institutions for academic, research and technical and cultural exchange programmes. The prominent collaborations are as follows:

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between MANUU and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) for Training, Capacity Building and Implementation Research for AEP in Madrasas for the period 2018-2022, was entered into in December 2018


The MoU between MANUU and Al-Mustafa International University, Iran was formalized on 10th April 2019 to collaborate research in the fields of Humanities, Culture, History, Persian, Arabic, Urdu, Islamic Studies, Mass Communication and Management; to exchange of scholars; to establish chair etc.

The MoU between MANUU and the Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan was entered into on 28th May 2019 for the academic training and research collaborations.

The MoU between MANUU and Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan was solemnized on 30th May 2019 for the academic, administrative staff and student exchanges, exchanges of academic material, research collaborations, etc.

The MoU between MANUU and Communication University of China, Beijing was formalized on 11th September 2019, for training in educational media, film and TV technologies, exchange of media professionals, etc.

The MoU between MANUU and Tokyo University of Foreign Studies was solemnized on 9th and 18th December 2019 for the academic research and student exchange.

The MoU between MANUU and Maxcure Hospitals, Hyderabad was solemnized on 29th June 2019 to offer Bachelor of Vocation (B. Voc.) in Imaging Technology (MIT) and Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT) courses, which were approved by UGC under National Skill Qualification Frame Work (NSQF).  

IMC, MANUU tied up with National Cultural Audiovisual Archives (NCAA) for Audiovisual Cataloguing & Digitization, Ministry of Culture, Government of India on 29th May, 2018.

The MoU between MANUU and News 18 Urdu Channel, Hyderabad was solemnized in October 2018 for Collaboration in Transmission of Urdu Enrichment Programs for a period of two years up to October, 2020.


5) Course in Communication Skills in English in Collaboration with the U.S. Consulate General Hyderabad

Maulana Azad National Urdu University imparts higher education through Urdu, and the industry/job market requires communication skills in English, hence to address this issue MANUU started a course in ‘Communication Skills in English’. The Department of English offered this course first as a pilot programme, then the IQAC, Department of English and Training and Placement Cell together in collaboration with the U.S. Consulate General Hyderabad, offered ‘Communication Skills in English’ course to the UG and PG students of the University. English Language Fellow Ms. Robin Cathey, U.S. taught the Courses held from September 2018 to December 2019. This has been done in addition to the inbuilt English mandatory and skill courses taught to all the UG and PG streams of the University as part of their curriculum.


6) ICT Initiatives

The University after the accreditation in its second cycle in 2016, focused on bring ICT in its academic and administrative functioning. Its first initiative was the introduction and implementation of ICT based University Management System for all the students and faculty. The Centre for Information Technology (CIT) had been assigned the job of developing Integrated University Management System (IUMS) which it did. CIT developed Students and Employees’ IUMS portals. Each student’s portal informs him/her about his/her academic status. The student is provided with fields as Fee payment, Exam Marks, Attendance Status in each course, Feedback on courses and so on. The teacher is provided with the fields of Exam Marks, Update Attendance, Teacher’s Feedback, Grievance, Message, Documents, Profile, Fellowship Claim, ICT Services, Password Change, Time Table, Swayam Prabha etc. In fact every activity from entering internal and external examination marks to lodging any grievance can be carried out through the IUMS portal by the teachers. Further, Heads of the Departments and Directors of Directorates have additional fields in their IUMS according to their work responsibilities. For example, a Head has a Fellowship claim and Non-NET Fellowship verification fields etc. in his/her IUMS dashboard. The Directorate of Admissions and the Examination Branch are fully automated.



7) FTS (File Tracking System)

The File Tracking System Module has been designed and developed by Centre for Information Technology (CIT), MANUU with the objective of improving administrative accountability while dealing with files movement. The FTS module has features that enhance overall transparency and efficiency of the University system by empowering end users to track their files from anywhere-anytime basis on MANUU’s Intranet. The system provides for following salient features:


  1. Multi-lingual interface (Urdu, Hindi & English).
  2. Full track of file from its inception to current status.
  3. Higher administrative efficiency and accountability while dealing with Files.
  4. Auto-generated Outward and Inward registers
  5. Departmental File Dash board to enable quick view of all files with their status.
  6. University wide uniformity in File Numbering through a robust system generated scheme across all University’s campuses, schools/departments/directorates/centres and offices.
  7. Unique Barcode to allow for faster receive and despatch operations.


(Weblink required)

8) Digital Initiatives through IMC

Instructional Media Centre (IMC) has been in the fore front of digital initiatives in the University. Its support in preparation of educational videos, providing access to quality material to both regular and distance learner have been very substantive. The IMC has established an E-class room which is equipped with ceiling mounted, compact size video cameras which can be remotely controlled, document camera on stand, electronic white board, a ceiling mounted LCD projector etc. Some of its initiatives are: MANUU You Tube Channel for Higher Education, MANUU Knowledge Series, Cinematheque MANUU and so on.


9) Biometric Attendance

One of the important initiatives of Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU)  was the implementation of Biometric Attendance in order to regulate attendance requirements of the teachers as stipulated in the UGC regulations 2018. MANUU being a multi-campus university, introduced Biometric Attendance System (BAS) for both teaching and non-teaching employees, regular and contractual staff. The Biometric Attendance System is now fully functional all across MANUU’s campuses.

10) Establishment of National Cadet Corps (NCC) Sub-Unit

MANUU has been allotted NCC Sub-Unit with 100 vacancies from 1(T) Arty, Bty NCC, Hyderabad Group. Keeping a proportionate strength in each year enrolment carried out at 33% for the year 2019 by officer commanding 1(T) Arty Bty NCC Col. Girish Shah on 14 August 2019 at MANUU Indoor Stadium.


Criterion-VI–Governance-Leadership-and-Management collapse16 Internal-Quality-Assurance-System-IQAS