Research Papers/Articles in Journals
- Prof. Vanaja and Dr. Rafi Mohmad,Myths and Reality of ICT in Education ,Edu Search,2017,ISSN-0976-1160
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad,Enhancing Academic Performance of Class IX students through Goal Setting and Training of Self Regulatory Strategies,New International Reliable Research Journal ,2017,ISSN-2320-9410
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad,A Study of The Effects of Teaching Method on Students’ Academic Achievement in Mathematics and The Use of Self-Regulated Learning Strategies ,International Journal of Education for the 21st Century,2017,ISSN-2349- 5774
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad,Self Regulation of Academic Performance Through Goal Setting In Adolescents – An Interventional Study,International Journal of Research in Social Sciences,2018,ISSN-2249-2496
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad and Mr. Jarrar Ahamad,Mobile Etiquettes of Post Graduate Students of MANUU – A Study,Universal Review ,2018,ISSN-2277-2723
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad,Locus of Control and Academic Achievement among University Students,Universal Review ,2018,ISSN-2277-2723
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad,Measuring Goal Setting Behaviour: Design, Development and Validation of Goal Evaluation Tool,International Journal of Research in Social Sciences,2019,ISSN-2249-2496
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad,Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and Self Regulated Learning,Review of Research ,2019,ISSN-2249-894X
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad,Academic Cheating among Graduates in Relation to their Personality,Review of Research ,2019,ISSN-2249-894X
- Dr. Abdul Jabbar and Dr. Rafi Mohmad,Multi Lingual Education among Minority Language Communities: Challenges and Prospects,Research Guru,2019,ISSN-2349-266X
- Mohmad, Rafi, “Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and Self-Regulated Learning, Review of Research April 2019, pp-1-7, International Online Multidisciplinary Journal (ISSN 2249-894X)
- Mohmad, Rafi, “Multilingual Education among Minority Language Communities: Challenges and Prospects,” co- authored with Abdul Jabbar Research Guru June 2019, pp 601-604, Online Journal of Multidisciplinary Subjects (ISSN 2349-266X)
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad: Edusearch (Bi-annual & Bi-lingual) Peer Group Reviewed Journal of Educational Research
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad: International Journal of Education for the 21st Century
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad: New International Reliable Research Journal
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad: International Journal of Research in Social Sciences
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad: Locus of Control and Academic Achievement among University Students
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad: Mobile Etiquette
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad: Academic Cheating
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad: MOOCs and SRL
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad: Measuring Goal Setting Behaviour
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad: Research Guru
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad: Assessment for Learning
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad: Value Education Chapter7
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad: Pedagogy of Physical Science-Chapter7
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad: Value Education LifeSkills Chapter4
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad: New Reforms in Teacher Education
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad:Pedagogy of Physical Science-Chapter4
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad: Economics of Education Chapter7
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad: Economics of Education Chapter1
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad: Emerging Issues in Teacher Education
Books and Chapter in Edited Volumes/Books Published
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad,Dimensions and Tools of Learning,2018,ISBN-978-93-80322-15-5
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad,Syllabus of Lifeskills and Value Education for Classes I to VIII,2016,ISBN-978-81-8180-423-5
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad,Lifeskills,2016,ISBN-978-81-8180-423-5
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad,Approaches and Strategies for Learning Physical Science,2016,ISBN-818180365-5
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad,Learning Objectives of Physical Science,2016,ISBN-818180365-5
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad,New Reforms in Teacher Education: Challenges in Implementing Innovative Pedagogical Practices in Classroom Transaction,2016,ISBN-978-93-85108-29-7
- Dr. Rafi Mohmad,Education as Knowledge of Industry a Critical Analysis,2014,ISBN-978-93-313-2305-7