Submitted by Saddam1211 on Wed, 06/03/2020 - 13:09
1.3 Curriculum Enrichment 1.3.1 Institution integrates crosscutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability into the Curriculum

Each programme in MANUU offers at least one course that integrates issues related to either gender, or environment, or human values or professional ethics. The Department of Women Education naturally has all the programmes that it offers related to gender issues. However, it offers generic courses to the students of other departments as well under choice based credit system. The Department of English also offers courses related with gender issues: ‘Women Writing (PG, Generic Elective), and ‘Contemporary India: Women and Empowerment’ (UG, Generic Elective). All the courses related with gender issues aimed at promoting gender equality and focus on women empowerment. Since, one of the objects of MANUU is to focus on women education, therefore, integrating gender issues in the curriculum has been its top priority.

Issues related with environment and environmental sustainability are manifestly integrated into MANUU’s curricula. In UG programmes, there is a mandatory paper  titled ‘Environmental Studies’,  however the other programmes also carry courses in which environmental issues are discussed and are inbuilt. The Department of Political Science offers a paper titled ‘Environment and Society’ which covers topics like global warming, environmental policy, and environmental protection.  The Department of Education and Training offers at B.Ed. level a course titled ‘Environmental Education’, and the Department of Computer Science offers Environmental Sciences (B.Tech. Computer Science), focusing mainly on the topics environment protection Act, disaster management, enforcement of environmental legislation, development of the mechanism to control and measures of air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, thermal pollution and solid waste management, and so on. MANUU has integrated sustainability issues in its curricula. Since MANUU itself is involved in rain water harvesting, development of water bodies in its main campus, maintaining of its rocks, making the campus green by continuous plantations, waste management, using solar energy and so on, the students witness the hands on experiences in environment conservation practices and understand sustainability efforts.

MANUU integrates courses that teach human values in its curricula. The Department of English offers a course in its MA programme titled Maulana Azad Studies (MAS) which mainly is a course in human values and carries write ups of Maulana Azad that encourage adherence to the Quranic principles of truth, justice, mercy, and so on. The Department also offers a course ‘Gender and Human Rights’ (UG, SET) and the Department of Political Science offers a course titledhuman rights’.

Almost all programmes are ingrained with a course or part of course that teaches professional ethics. Notwithstanding PhD programmes which specifically deal with issues pertaining to professional ethics in the research methodology papers, at PG and UG level also the curriculum carries topics that inculcate in students the importance of recognizing and acknowledging colleagues and peers contribution, respect, and mutual cooperation etc. Courses on ‘Intellectual Property Rights’ (BTech, Computer Science) ‘Information Security and Cyber Laws’ (MTech, Computer Science), are offered in the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology (CSIT) which not only deal with technical issues but also professional ethics.

All programmes taught in MANUU demonstrate sound academic flexibility as they are based on Choice Based Credit System. 


Criterion-I-Curricular-Aspects collapse7 Curriculum-Enrichment