The Administration Section is responsible for issuing of orders, circulars, constitution ofCommittee, and arranging for uploading of circulars on the website. Processing the file for payment of Dearness allowance to all the staff of MANUU. Processing the file for list of Holidays for the every calender year. All the applications of GPRAallotment, and acceptance of quarters, payment of licence fee etc. are processed in this section.
Further, all the administrative matters of the 9 Regional Centers, 5 Sub Regional Centers, 8 CTE, 3 ModelSchools, 2 satellite campus i.e. Lucknow Campus and MANUU Arts and Science College for womenBudgam and 5 Polytechnics, and 3 ITI’s are received and processed in this section.
Processing files and initiating new imprest (Contingency and Utility) amount andsanction/enhancement of imprest/closure (if any) to all the institutions of MANUU, Headquarters andoff Campuses.Further all the 103 on campus Departments/Offices / Centers /Institutions(Teaching/Non Teaching) of the University Campusand including more than 35 off Campuses i.e. / RCs / SRCs/ CTEs / ITIs / Polytechnics /Model Schools / Satellite campuses and other institutes of the Universityforward their monthly imprest files for processing and forwarding thesame for payment to Finance and Accounts. Payment details letter showing the details ofallowed/disallowed and various related clarifications to the above mentioned offices.
Furthermore, files relating to settlement of Advances including TA/DA (other than Academic/Examinationmatters), and in connection with International Seminar, Student Union Election, conduct of MaulanaAzad Day celebrations, Celebrations,National festivals.
Dealing all the cases of complaints received from the Centralized Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS), Govt. of India portal and disposing of the same within the stipulated time.
Administration-Section 91-040-23006607 Ext:1331,1332