6.5.3 Incremental improvements made for the preceding five years with regard to quality (in case of first cycle)
(Describe quality enhancement initiatives in the academic and administrative domains)
5.3.3 Average number of sports and cultural events / competitions organized by the institution per year Number of sports and cultural events / competitions organised by the institution year wise during the last five years
Year |
14-15 |
15-16 |
16-17 |
17-18 |
18-19 |
Number |
6.4.1 Institutional strategies for mobilization of funds and the optimal utilization of resources
MANUU mobilizes its grants mainly from the generous grants allocated by the University Grans Commission on various heads of expenditure mainly four components each of Non-Recurring (Capital Assets) and Recurring (Operation & Maintenance) Grants. However, each component has sub-components covers specific requirements viz. Infrastructure, Equipment, Books &Journals, Furniture & Fixtures under Non Recurring component.