Research papers / Articles in Journals
- Ismail, Rabia, “ Islam and education” Research directions May 2019, pp 375-377,Solapur (ISSN 2321-5488)
- Ismail, Rabia, “plagiarism: what the literature says?” International journal for innovative research in multidisciplinary field June 2019, pp 136-139, Vadodara: Research culture society and publication (ISSN 2455-0620)
- Ismail, Rabia, “ Understanding plagiarism” International journal of research and analytical reviews June 2019, pp 161-163, Ahmedabad (ISSN 2348-1269)
- Ismail, Rabia, “ Common misconceptions towards plagiarism” Think india journal December 2019, pp 6337-6345, (ISSN 0971-1260)
- . Ismail, Rabia, “ Plagiarism detection software: Do they really exists” Mukt shabd journal April 2020 ,pp 4003-4006, Pune (ISSN 2347-3150)
Chapters in Edited Books
- Ismail, Rabia, “New ways of learning in india during COVID-19”, Covid-19 and lockdown in the world. Ed. Manmohan Gupta. Pune: Eureka Publications, 2020:45-50