Training Programmes
S. No. | Programme | Date & Venue | No of Participants | Collaboration / Linkages |
1 | One day “Gender Sensitization Training” | 15.02.2015, MANUU Model School, Vattepally, Hyderabad. | 40 | MANUU Model School |
2 | Capacity Building Training For Home based Women Workers and Entrepreneurs | 09-11-2015 MANUU Campus | 150 | --- |
3 | One day “Self Defence Training for Women” | 8.3.2016,Indoor Auditorium MANUU Campus | 100 | Hapkido Federation India,Telangana Branch |
4 | Capacity Building Training & “Handicraft Exhibition cum Sale by Home based Women Workers” | 20th & 21st Sept. 2016 2nd Floor,Seminar Hall,Polytechnic Building, MANUU | 100 | --- |
5 | One Day Training Programme On “Rights of Women” | 18th October, 2016 Syed Hamid Library Auditorium, MANUU. | 100 | National Human Rights Commission,New Delhi |
6 | One day “Self Defence Training for Women | 26-03-2017 Gulzar Girls Hostel, MANUU | 100 | Hapkido Association,Telangana |
7 | One day “Gender Sensitization Training” | 10th August, 2017 Hotel Minerva Grand, Secunderabad | 50 | MAHITA(NGO) |
8 | One day Gender Sensitization Training,on the Occasion of “Elimination of Violence against Women Day” | 5th December, 2017 Community Hall, Borabanda, Hyderabad. | 70 | MAHITA(NGO) |
One Day “Gender Sensitization Training” on 15.02.2015 at MANUU Model School, Vattepally, Hyderabad
Centre for Women’s studies organized one Day “Gender Sensitization Training” on 15.02.2015 at MANUU Model School, Vattepally, Hyderabad. Prof. Ashraf Rafi, Head, Department of Urdu, Osmania University was present as Resource Person this occasion. Dr. Ameena Tahseen, I/c Director, CWS, addressed on Gender issues. A Documentary film “Hawwa ki Beti” showcased on this occasion & a game on “Gender” also conducted. Teachers and students of class Xth-XIIth participated in this training programme. Ms. Viqar Atiya, Documentation Officer, CWS perform the duties of convener on this occasion.
Capacity Building Training For Home based Women Workers and Entrepreneurs

Capacity Building Training for Home based Women Workers and Entrepreneurs, was conducted on 09-11-2015. The Objectives to conduct this training programme are;
- To promote the entrepreneurship and economic empowerment of Women.
- To provide a platform for Home based women workers and women organizations to build a rapport among themselves and showcase their craft items for sale.
- To sensitize the students about the importance of handicrafts and contribution of women in Indian heritage and culture.
Programme was inaugurated by Ms Surayya Hassan, an eminent entrepreneur and expert of Handloom weaving and rarest texture like HIMRU, JAMAWAR, IKKAT and PAITHANI etc. Mr. M J Akbar, Director. Department of Minority Welfare, Government of Telangana, grace the Event by participating as a chief guest. Programme was presided over by Prof. K. R. Iqbal Ahmed, Vice Chancellor I/c, MANUU. Prof S. M. Rahmatullah, Registrar I/c, and Prof Amina Kishore, Chairperson Azad Chair were the guest of Honour on this Occasion. The following Organizations, participated in the Exhibition.
Majority of the Participants were the Home Based Women workers other than the above mentioned organization, who showcased their craft and consumable items in stalls for sale. Viewers from the Outside of MANUU campus, including Staff and Students visits the MELA and encouraged the Women Workers by purchasing valuable items. The MELA ends up with lots of appreciation received from the viewers.
One day “Self Defense Training for Women” on 8th March, 2016 with the collaboration of HAPKIDO Federation of India

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, Centre for Women’s Studies, MANUU organized one day “Self Defense Training for Women” on 8th March, 2016 with the collaboration of HAPKIDO Federation of India. Dr. Shakeel Ahmed, Registrar, MANUU presided over the inaugural session of this training programme. IPS, Dr. Saumya, Mishra, IG-CID, Telangana State, participated as Chief Guest, Syeda Falak, International Karate Champion, participated as Guest of Honor, Md. Zaheeruddin Khan, President Hapkido Federation India, Trainer, Mr. Amjad Hussain, trainer, Member Hapkido Federation, participants of this training programme and huge gathering of students, teaching and non-teaching staff of MANUU were present on this occasion. A book “Mainstreaming of Indian Muslim Women – They Way Forward” published by CWS, has been released by IPS, Dr. Soumya Mishra, on this occasion.
Capacity Building Training Programme
“Handicraft Exhibition cum Sale by Home based Women Workers”
Dr. Mohammed Aslam Parvaiz Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, MANUU, Inaugurating the
Handicraft Exhibition cum Sale by Home based Women Works On 20th & 21st Sept. 2016,
Dr. Shakeel Ahmed, PVC, MANUU & Dr. Ameena Tahseen, Director, CWS can be seen in the picture
Dr. Mohammed Aslam Parvez, Hon. Vice Chancellor, MANUU
addressing the participants of Exhibition.
Centre for Women’s Studies, organized Two Days Capacity Building Training and Handicraft Exhibition cum Sale for Home based women workers from 20th Sept. 2016 to 21st Sept., 2016 at Polytechnic Building, MANUU.
Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, MANUU Dr. Mohammad Aslam Parvaiz, inaugurate the Training Program. Dr. Shakeel Ahmad, Registrar, MANUU, attended as a chief guest and Dr. Mohd. Yousuf Khan, Principal, Polytechnic, as a guest of honour. Staff members of different departments of MANUU, NGO(s) guests from different walks of life attended the inaugural session. The home based workers who took part in this exhibition are engaged / involved in different Arts & Crafts from many years, but they don’t have any exposure or linkages to exhibit their articles. CWS gave them opportunity to showcase their items CWS conducted different lectures regarding micro credits, banking, and maintenance of records etc with the help of experts of the discipline. On this occasion a group was formed and get them trained to organize such exhibitions in different schools and colleges on any events. 20 to 25 participants showcased their items such as Handmade Food Items, Artificial Jewellery, Jute Articles, Soft Toys, Sea Shell decorative Articles, Pearl sets, Artificial Flowers, Handmade Perfumes and different types of garments were exhibited and sold in this exhibition.
One Day Training Programme On
“Rights of Women”
Held on 18th October, 2016 @Saiyed Hamid Library Auditorium, MANUU
Prof, Faizan Mustafa, Hon. Vice Chancellor, Nalsar University of Law,
addressing the participants of Training Programme
Participants of the Training programme
Ms. Rehana Ghouse, DSP, CID (Anti Human Trafficking) addressing the
participants of Training Programme
One day Training Programme, on “Rights of Women”in collaboration with National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi, organized on 18-10-2016 at Saiyad Hamid Libarary Auditorium, MANUU.
The Training conducted with the following objectives:
- To spread human rights literacy and to sensitize the students on all aspects relating to human rights.
- To focus on youth in the university as to build a society fully aware of Women issues.
- To spread awareness about the rights of women in Human Rights perspective.
Structure of the Programme
- This programme structured as “Training programme” for proper discussions / Dialogue on selected topic.
- The Intellectuals have been selected from different disciplines such as Academician from Law background, Police officials who deals with Crimes against Women and NGO’s working for women, to participate and interact on the topic
- The information on “Rights of Women and Human Rights” provided to the participants in the form of booklet.
- This training programme was scheduled in four technical sessions. Along with Inaugural Session. Lectures, PPT presentations, showcasing of documentaries, open sessions were the methodology adopted for the training.
Prof. Faizan Mustafa, Vice Chancellor, NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad, was invited as Chief Guest on this occasion, Prof. Ahmedullah Khan, (Rtd) Dean Faculty of Law, Osmania University, participated as Guest of Honour, and prof. S. M. Rahmatullah, Dean School of Arts & Social Science, MANUU presided over this training programme. A huge gathering of Research Scholars, Students, Head & staff of different departments of MANUU were also present on this occasion.
Prof. Ahmedullah Khan, (Rtd) Dean Faculty of Law, Osmania University, Ms. Rehana Ghouse, DSP, CID (Anti Human Trafficking),Dr. Farzana Khan, programme manager, My Choice, Foundation (NGO),Prof. Fatima Ali khan, (Rtd.) Head Dept. of Geography and former Director, CWS, OU, took the technical sessions and enriched the students on different topics of Rights and Issues.
Self Defense Training for Women
in collaboration with Hapkida Association Telangana
on 08-03-2017 @ Gulzar Girls Hostel, MANUU
Dr. Ameena Tahseen, Director, CWS addressing the participants of Self Defence Training
for Women @ Girls Hostel, MANUU on the occasion of International Women’s Day
on 8th March, 2017
Mr. Amjad Hussain, trainer, addressing the participants of Self Defence Training
for Women
One Day Self Defence Training for Women @ Girls Hostel, MANUU on the
occasion of International Women’s Day on 8th March, 2017
On the occasion of International Women’s Day, Centre for Women’s Studies, MANUU organized one day “Self Defense Training for Women” on 8th March, 2017 with the collaboration of HAPKIDO Federation of India.
Mr. Amjad Hussain, trainer, HAPKIDO Association Telangana, address the participants and emphasis on the importance of training. Md. Zaheeruddin Khan with his team trained the girls.
One day Gender Sensitization Training,
on the occasion of
International Day of the Girl Child
in collaboration with MAHITA & Action Aid India, On 10th August 2017.
One Day gender sensitization training Organized on the occasion of International Girl Child Day, on 10th August, 2017, in collaboration with MAHITA & Action Aid India, at Hotel Minerva Grand, Secundrabad.
The training conducted exclusively for the dropout girls. More than 100 girls from across Secunderabad and Hyderabad city participated in the training program. Total three sessions were conducted including inaugural session. After inaugural session two documentaries on violence against women and importance of Education showcased. Director, Department of Women and Child welfare, Govt of Telangana, Director Project, UNESCO, Director, MAHITA, Counselor -BHAROSA Centre & Dr. Ameena Tahseen with Ms Rafia Nausheen, Prog officer MAHITA took part in training program. Screening of documentary, presentations on girl child rights, games, role plays, lectures on Gender issues had been used as a module of training.
One day Gender Sensitization Training in collaboration with
MAHITA On 5th December, 2017.
One Day gender sensitization program on the topic “Elimination of Violence against Women” Organized on the occasion of Elimination of violence against women's day, on 5th December, 2017, in collaboration with MAHITA at Community Hall, Borabanda. The awareness program conducted exclusively for the dropouts and home based women workers. More than 70 participants, from the slum areas participated in the program. Role plays, Group activities and lecture was held on the occasion. Dr.Ameena Tahseen, In charge CWS, Ms Jaleesa Sultana, advocate and Ms Rafia Nusheen, Program Officer MAHITA took part in this training program.