پروفیسر محمد شاہد رضا
صدر شعبہ و پروفیسر
Journal/Research Articles
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza-Socio-Economic Status of Muslim Gulf Migrants of Gopalganj district of Bihar - Article-2021-ISSN-037845-4568
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza-Male Gulf Migration,Effects on Left Behind Women in Bihar- Article-2021-ISSN-2582-7790
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza-Political Representation of Muslims in India. Political Discourse - Article-2021-ISSN-23952229
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza-Contraceptive Use among the Marginalized Women in India- Article-2021-ISSN-2582-7790
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza-Knowledge, Attitiude and Practices of Males TowardsFamily Planning- Journal-2020-ISSN-0974-5114
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza - Ghair Sarkari Tanzeem ka tasawwur aur Khidmat ki Farahmi_Journal-2018-ISSN-2249-0639
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza-Social Work ki Peshewarana Aur Academic Shanakht-Journal-2017-ISSN-2348-3067
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza-SHGs, Capabilities and Power Relations- Journal-2016-ISSN-2394-4102
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza- Disability and Popular Common Sense in India Noun Versus Adjective- Journal-2016-ISSN-1465346X
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza-SHGs, Socio- Economic Status and Women Empowerment -Journal-2016-ISSN-2231-4547
- Prof. Md Shahid raza- SHGs And Women Empowerment , Reflections from Muslim Women in Slums of Hyderabad- Journal-2015-ISSN-0975-1793
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza - Political and Legal Empowerment of Women in India-Journal-2014
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza- SHGs and Dynamics of Women Empowerment-A Reflection through Power Relations Freamework-Journal-2014-ISSN-2231-4547
Chapters in Books
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza-International Social Work-Concept,Standard and Regulatory Bodies- Book Chapter-2019-ISBN-978-93-88498-27-2
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza- History of Social Work-Book Chapter-2019-ISBN-978-93-88498-29-6