پروفیسر محمد شاہد رضا
اسکول برائے فنون و سماجی علوم
Email Id : mdshahidraza@gmail.com
Phone : 040-23008438, 7382601330
Educational Qualifications:
Research Interest :تحقیقی دلچسپی: سوشل ورک میں میرا دلچسپی کے میدان سوشل گروپ ورک، سوشل ڈیولپمنٹ، خواتین امپاورمنٹ، سیلف ہیلپ گروپس اور مائیکرو فائنانس ہیں۔ فی الحال میں پاور ریلیشنز کے نظریاتی فریم ورک کے ساتھ کام کررہا ہوں۔
Research Publication of پروفیسر محمد شاہد رضا
Journal/Research Articles
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza-Socio-Economic Status of Muslim Gulf Migrants of Gopalganj district of Bihar - Article-2021-ISSN-037845-4568
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza-Male Gulf Migration,Effects on Left Behind Women in Bihar- Article-2021-ISSN-2582-7790
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza-Political Representation of Muslims in India. Political Discourse - Article-2021-ISSN-23952229
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza-Contraceptive Use among the Marginalized Women in India- Article-2021-ISSN-2582-7790
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza-Knowledge, Attitiude and Practices of Males TowardsFamily Planning- Journal-2020-ISSN-0974-5114
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza - Ghair Sarkari Tanzeem ka tasawwur aur Khidmat ki Farahmi_Journal-2018-ISSN-2249-0639
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza-Social Work ki Peshewarana Aur Academic Shanakht-Journal-2017-ISSN-2348-3067
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza-SHGs, Capabilities and Power Relations- Journal-2016-ISSN-2394-4102
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza- Disability and Popular Common Sense in India Noun Versus Adjective- Journal-2016-ISSN-1465346X
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza-SHGs, Socio- Economic Status and Women Empowerment -Journal-2016-ISSN-2231-4547
- Prof. Md Shahid raza- SHGs And Women Empowerment , Reflections from Muslim Women in Slums of Hyderabad- Journal-2015-ISSN-0975-1793
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza - Political and Legal Empowerment of Women in India-Journal-2014
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza- SHGs and Dynamics of Women Empowerment-A Reflection through Power Relations Freamework-Journal-2014-ISSN-2231-4547
Chapters in Books
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza-International Social Work-Concept,Standard and Regulatory Bodies- Book Chapter-2019-ISBN-978-93-88498-27-2
- Prof. Md. Shahid Raza- History of Social Work-Book Chapter-2019-ISBN-978-93-88498-29-6