Prof. Syed Ainul Hasan
Designation: Vice Chancellor
Email Id :vc@manuu.edu.in
Phone :040-23006601: EXTN:1101
Educational Qualifications: PhD, Master of Arts, Bachelor of Arts
From the Vice Chancellor’s Desk
As the Vice Chancellor of the Maulana Azad National Urdu University, I believe that the pinnacle of excellence in interdisciplinary research, innovation, and inclusive societal advancement can be achieved through education in the Urdu language. I imagine a future when our students can become visionary leaders with the knowledge, empathy, and willpower to make a world filled with positive change and limitless opportunity.
Standing at the juncture of last 25 years, to create this eco-system, I have a vision for the next 10 years: Including experienced individuals in the university’s administration, decentralizing power and responsibility and raising the standard of work are crucial factors for inculcating a model of good governance. This is consistent with the ideas of effectiveness, competitiveness, independence, and self-sufficiency so that workable solutions can be developed by utilizing the core competencies of all stakeholders to address the issues the university is experiencing.
The University has made some significant decisions in the implementation of fresh concepts in the light of NEP 2020 in order to meet the current demand for a healthy academic environment. The introduction of foreign languages is one idea for which Urdu can serve the finest purpose in the field of translation and interpretation. There has been an emphasis on fusing several disciplines together to foster interdisciplinary, multilingual traditions. This would enable integration of subjects and cross cultural research cutting across boundaries.
An important and necessary function of MANUU, at this challenging moment in the changing world order, will be to become a centre which can help interpret Indian knowledge systems with intercultural exchange with other Western cultures, and for greater understanding of India’s needs, pre-suppositions and aspirations. It will associate eminent scholars from within India and abroad with the execution of the collaborative research projects. While doing this we are assuming a proactive role of engaging in various educational, research and training activities in the service of society.
Another area in which we are able to maintain our source of knowledge, while adopting a clear strategy to empower our students professionally is through implementing programmes in skill development. As a result, several of the disciplines are gaining increasing acceptance and support from other institutions and from students both inside and beyond the state.
As a major portion of students admitted to our university come from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds, stronger connections are being established with the madrassas through both physical and virtual channels. As per the mandate of the statute of the university, the institution is also now able to attract a large number of girls’ students in regular as well as distance learning programmes. This demonstrates the University’s reach at all levels.
In addition to academics, the University environmental friendly campus positions its teachers and students to respect all living beings, to be courteous to one another.
All put together, there is a bright future that beckons you to this University.
Prof. Syed Ainul Hasan