Department of Computer Science & Information Technology
Prof. Pradeep Kumar, Head
EMail(s): office[dot]csit[at]manuu[dot]edu[dot]in
Phone Number(s): +91-40-23120600 : EXTN: 3611The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology was established in 2006 with the aim to impart quality education and achieve the vision of excellence in the field of Computer Science, IT and interdisciplinary research. Presently, the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology offers B.Tech (Computer Science), M.Tech in Computer Science and MCA (two-years) programmes all approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). Department also provides options of Lateral entry into the second year of B.Tech. (Computer Science) for Polytechnic students
The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology provides an excellent learning environment with dedicated young faculty members, state-of-the-art laboratories and innovative academic processes. We focus on providing in-depth knowledge in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Personalized learning, Machine learning, Computational sustainability, Block chain technology, semantic web, internet of things (IoT) and other allied fields of computer science & IT. We aspire our students towards becoming next generation IT professionals capable of generating programming and logical skills, providing networking solutions and becoming leaders in software industry, government and academia.
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