Prof. (Dr.) Tabrez Ahmad
Professor & Dean
MANUU Law School
Email Id : tabrezahmad@manuu.edu.in
Phone : 8755929751
Educational Qualifications: Ph.D. (Cyberlaw & IPR)
Profile of Prof. (Dr.) Tabrez Ahmad
Prof. (Dr.) Tabrez Ahmad prior taking up the role of Professor & Founding Dean MANUU Law School in the Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) Hyderabad. He was the Senior Executive Director at Chandigarh University and the Vice Chancellor of GD Goenka University. He has also served in various academic and administrative positions such as Pro-Vice Chancellor, Galgotias University; Director & Dean, UPES Law School, Dehradun; Professor & Director, at Alliance University Bengaluru; Founder Director DILS, University of Burdwan West Bengal ; Head IPR Cell of UPES-UCOST (UK Council of Science & Technology); Professor of Cyber Law & IPR & Head at KIIT University Bhubaneswar; Mentor at Technology Business Incubator, NSTEDB, Govt. of India; and founding faculty at WB NUJS Kolkata. He has worked on the important projects sponsored by the World Bank, UNDP, Tuning India, RISHI Project of Deusto University Spain, PLR Chambers and Ministry of Law & Justice Govt. of India. (Tabrez holds a PhD in Cyber Law & IPR, LLM in Commercial Law & Cyber Law; and B.Sc (Hons.) in Zoology, from AMU Aligarh, India. Tabrez is founder and President of Technolex Foundation and National President PNGI Forum. He is also the National Vice President of International Council of Jurists London, Chair Legal Education Section of Indian National Bar Association and Mentor World Teen Parliament MPs of Blub World. He is in the advisory panel of various academic and professional institutions of International repute. A Prolific speaker on Quality Education Systems & Processes, OBE, NEP 2020, Virtual Reality, Education 5.0, & Multidisciplinary research in Higher Education. Regulation of EdTech, Cyberspace, Intellectual Property, Darknet, Metaverse, Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT & Quantom Computing. Delivered Keynotes and speaker in more than 200 prestigious International conferences held in, USA, UK, China, Japan, UAE, Egypt, Singapore, Thailand, etc. He has also practiced for a while at the bar of Delhi High Court and Supreme Court of India. He has authored a pioneering book entitled "Cyber Law, E-commerce and M-commerce" and Edited 3 books on IPR, Law & Technology, & Regulation of Artificial Intelligence. He has published more than 100 papers in reputed journals. He is an active blogger, Youtuber, and editor of various International journals. By USA based SSRN he has been ranked among the Top 100 Law Authors in the World. He has been awarded with the "Outstanding Academician of Higher Education" during the 25th World Education Summit at Dubai in March-2023. Awarded with the Ambassador of the Green Planet Award, 2022 by BlomHo Global & Golden Signatures in Collaboration with NITI Aayog Govt. of India. Awarded as India’s Most Impactful Vice Chancellor by Edu Star 2022. Awarded by Observenow for Exemplary leadership in higher education 2022. Awarded Asia Pacific (APAC) Education Leadership Awards 2021 in recognition of an Exemplary leader who made a difference and extraordinary contribution in Higher education sector. In 2020 he became one of the Youngest Vice-Chancellor in the World. He is among the IPLEADERS-2019 Top 100 most followed LinkedIn lawyers and has been ranked at 13 in the world. Awarded the best Keynote Speaker by the SIETIIE 2019 and Awarded “Top 50 IP Players” by IPR Gorilla USA. Awarded for the best research paper at the 22nd World Multiconference 2018, at Florida USA. Awarded with the “Resilient-Visionary” Leadership Award by the Chandigarh University in August, 2023 for his exemplary leadership contribution in promotion & Development of the University. Tabrez promotes academic and professional excellence and nurtures empathy to socio-cultural, economic and gender diversity; prioritizes the creation of an ecosystem that stresses meritocracy and a passion for academic excellence.
Research Publication of Prof. (Dr.) Tabrez Ahmad
- Prof. Tabrez Ahmad, Cyberlaw, E-Commerce & M-Commerce
- Prof. Tabrez Ahmad, Emerging Dimensions of Cyberlaw and IPR Issues and Challenges in 21st Century
- Prof. Tabrez Ahmad, Interdisciplinary Aspects of Law & Technology
- Prof. Tabrez Ahmad, Information technology laws: Mapping the evolution and impact of social media regulation in India, DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, Vol. 41, No. 4, Jan 2021, pp. 295-301, ISSN:0974-0643
- Prof. Tabrez Ahmad, Technology convergence and cybersecurity: A critical analysis of techno-legal challenges in India and USA, International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, IIIS, 8 July 2018,
- ISBN: 978-194176391-9
- Prof. Tabrez Ahmad, Challenges of cyber crimes in India: A critical analysis, WMSCI 2018 - 22nd World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Proceedings, 3, pp. 86-91, 2018,
- ISBN: 978-194176391-9
- Prof. Tabrez Ahmad, Rebirth of opt-in system in copyright: Analysis in the light of 'Google Books' controversy, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, Volume 16, Issue 6, November 2011, Pages 500-508,
- ISSN: 09717544
- Prof. Tabrez Ahmad, Comparative analysis of copyright protection of databases: The path to follow, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, Volume 17, Issue 2, March 2012, Pages 111-121,
- ISSN: 09717544
- Prof. Tabrez Ahmad, Celebrity rights: Protection under IP laws, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, Volume 16, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 7-16, ISSN: 09717544
- Prof. Tabrez Ahmad, Foreign Direct Investment in Real Estate in India: Challenges and Implications, The IUP Law Review; Vol 1. No.1,January, 2011, ISSN: 2231-3095
- The Takeover Code in India.A Comprehensive Overview. Published in the International Journal of Main Stream Social Science. Brown Walker Press USA Spring-2012, Vol.2, Number-1. ISSN: 10: 1612336159 , ISBN: 13: 978-1-61233-6152.
- Prof. Tabrez Ahmad, Celebrity Rights: Protection under IP Laws, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights Vol 16, January 2011, pp 7-16, ISSN: 09717544
- Prof. Tabrez Ahemad, Current Trends of Intellectual Property Law in India, APH Publishing Co New Delhi, 2011 PP-261-276. ISBN N0. 978-81-313-1500-2
- Validity of Retrospective Amendments in Indian Taxation Statutes. International Journal of Economic and Political Integration. Brown Walker Press USA, Volume 1, Number 2: Autumn 2011. http://www.brownwalker.com/ASMT-Journal.php. ISSN:0974-3510, ISBN:978-1-61233-565-0