4th Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah Memorial Lecture
Two-Day International Conference on Dimensions of Interfaith Dialogue in India
Two-day International Conference
Two-day International Conference : Dimensions in Interfaith Dialogue in India
Two-Day National Seminar on Historiography and Muslim Historians: An Indian Perspective
Two-day National Seminar
Two-day National Seminar on “Ilm-e-Tarikh aur Muslim Muwarrikheen: Hindustan Ke Tanazur Mein” (Historiography and Muslim Historian: An Indian Perspective)
3rd Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah Memorial Lecture
Islamic Studies in the Modern and Postmodern Era: An Assessment of the Contribution of Indian and Iranian Scholars
International Conference
Extension Lecture On Plural Religious Traditions of Sub-continent: Introspection and Retrospection
Special Lecture
G-20 Under India's Presidency: Need and Importance
Cultural Program: Treasure & Hunt
2nd Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah Memorial lecture
Combination of Regligious and Modern Education: Needs & Possibilities in the of NEP
An Interactive Session with HMI Delegates on "Understanding the Diversity of Culture, Religion and Educational Setup"
Contributions of Indian Non-Muslims to Islamic Studies
Contribution of Indian Non Muslims to Islamic Studies
Human Rights: Islamic & Modern Perspectives
Two Day National Seminar/Webinar on Islamic Science during Muslim Rules of Deccan
Scientific Foundations of The Quranic Environment Ethics | Extension Lecture | DOIS | MANUU
Research Methodology of Contemporary Orientalism
Higher Education of Women: Concept & Practice, Eastern and Western Perspectives
Two Day National Seminar: Islamic Studies: Concept, Present Scenario and Future
Two Day National Seminar: Common Grounds for Co-Existence in Plural Society
Two Day National Seminar: Islamic Sciences During Muslim Rules of Deccan
National Seminar: Modern Issues and Islamic Jurisprudence