Prof. S Maqbool Ahmed
Email Id :maqboolahmedbotany@manuu.edu.in
Phone :9440366462
Educational Qualifications:M.Sc., Ph.D.
Research Interests: Research Interested area is Plant pathology, Plant Physiology and Environmental Science.
Profile of S Maqbool Ahmed
Dr.S.Maqbool Ahmed is presently working as Associate Professor of Botany in Botany Section with an additional responsibility as a Nodal Officer of B.Voc Programme in School of Sciences. He obtained his Master and Ph.D Degree from Barkatullah University, Bhopal. He also holds the position of OSD-Exams, Overseas Co ordinator and Head Dept. of Botany. He was recipient of the Best Teacher Award from former Chief Election Commissioner of India Mr.T.N.Seshan. He has secured First Position in the University during the academic year 1988-90.
He has been Teaching and Research experience of 25 Years and before joining MANUU he has worked as Research Fellow in Regional College of Education (NCERT) Bhopal in one Project sanctioned by CSIR-NEERI. He also worked as a Lecturer in Botany in Regional Institute of Education (NCERT), Bhopal.
Dr.Ahmed has visited Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Jeddah and Madina) for conducting Convocation (Certificate Distribution Ceremony) of MANUU students. He has received two Research Grants and His research areas are Plant Physiology, Plant Ecology and Environmental Science.