Press Release: MANUU conducts national orientation-cum-workshop for LSC coordinators
MANUU conducts national orientation-cum-workshop for LSC coordinators
Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU), Hyderabad conducted a two-day National Orientation-cum-Workshop for the coordinators of Learner Support Centers. Coordinators from more than 100 learner support centers from across the country are attending the two-day orientation-cum-workshop.
Speaking at the inaugural session held yesterday, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Syed Ainul Hasan, emphasized the need to start new programmes in distance mode through Urdu medium. “Our goals are dissemination of knowledge and empowerment of women,” he said.
The vice chancellor also distributed cash prizes of one lakh rupees each along with trophies among the top three performing Regional/Sub Regional Centers of the university viz. RC Mumbai, RC Darbhanga, and and SRC Jammu.
Moreover, citations of dedication to distance education were presented to 12 learner support centers that are associated with MANUU since its inception.
Speaking on the occasion, Registrar, Prof. Sk. Ishtiaque Ahmed, highlighted the need to strengthen the university’s student support services.
Prof. Mohd Razaullah Khan, Director, Directorate of Distance Education, welcomed the guests and gave an overview of the two-day orientation-cum-workshop.
Prof. Rama Kondapalli, Professor of Practice, told the coordinators that in future quality assurance processes are going to be more and more dependent on distance education. Prof. V. Venkaiah, Advisor DDE, said that problems are inherent to the distance mode of education, but we need to address these problems creatively using technology-mediated support systems.
Dr. Sameena Basu conducted the programme, and Dr. Shaikh Waseem presented the vote of thanks.
Meanwhile, a cultural night was also arranged collaboratively by DDE and Cultural Activity Centre of MANUU on the occasion. Singers - Mohtarma Afsha, Salman Mirza and Students showcase their performance. University Drama Club performs Act Play, Skit, and Mime whereas Music Club performs Group Songs Hindustani and Solo. According to Mr. Meraj Ahmed, Cultural Coordinator these performances were presented at the South East Zone Youth Festival Competition, Mysuru.
Prof. Syed Ainul Hasan, Prof. Ishtiaque Ahmed, Prof. Aleem Ashraf Jaisi, Prof. Mohammad Fariyad and large number of faculty members enhanced the grandeur of this event.
Today's program at MANUU
Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU), Department of Women Education is organizing an extension lecture "Women's Law and Empowerment" on March 06, 2024 at 3.00 pm.
According to Prof. Ameena Tahseen, Head, Department of Women Education, Dr. Anita Sable, Head, Research and Publication Cell, Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad is the invited speaker. Prof. Tabrez Ahmad, Dean, MANUU Law School will preside over and Prof. Afroz Alam, Head, Department of Political Science is the special invitee.
The Department of Arabic is organizing two day National Seminar "Arab's Travelogues to India in 19th and 20th Centuries: Artistic Depiction and Cultural Understanding" on March 06 & 07. According to the seminar Director, Prof. Syed Alim Ashraf Jaisi, Department Head, Prof. Syed Kafeel Ahmad Qasmi, Former Dean, Faculty of Arts, AMU and Prof. Hasnain Akhtar, Head Department of Arabic, DU will be the guests of honour and Prof. Habibullah Khan, Department of Arabic, JMI, New Delhi will be the keynote speaker for the inaugural session.
The Department of Management and Commerce is organizing two days National Conference on "Innovative Business Practices towards Sustainable Development Goals" on March 06 & 07. Prof. Mohammed Abdul Azeem, Head Department is the conference Director whereas the Assistant Professors - Dr. Saidalavi K is the convenor, Dr. Reshma Nikhat and Dr. Md. Rashid Farooqi are the co-convenor of the conference
Press Release: MANUU conducts national orientation-cum-workshop for LSC coordinators
MANUU conducts national orientation-cum-workshop for LSC coordinators
Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU), Hyderabad conducted a two-day National Orientation-cum-Workshop for the coordinators of Learner Support Centers. Coordinators from more than 100 learner support centers from across the country are attending the two-day orientation-cum-workshop.
Speaking at the inaugural session held yesterday, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Syed Ainul Hasan, emphasized the need to start new programmes in distance mode through Urdu medium. “Our goals are dissemination of knowledge and empowerment of women,” he said.
The vice chancellor also distributed cash prizes of one lakh rupees each along with trophies among the top three performing Regional/Sub Regional Centers of the university viz. RC Mumbai, RC Darbhanga, and and SRC Jammu.
Moreover, citations of dedication to distance education were presented to 12 learner support centers that are associated with MANUU since its inception.
Speaking on the occasion, Registrar, Prof. Sk. Ishtiaque Ahmed, highlighted the need to strengthen the university’s student support services.
Prof. Mohd Razaullah Khan, Director, Directorate of Distance Education, welcomed the guests and gave an overview of the two-day orientation-cum-workshop.
Prof. Rama Kondapalli, Professor of Practice, told the coordinators that in future quality assurance processes are going to be more and more dependent on distance education. Prof. V. Venkaiah, Advisor DDE, said that problems are inherent to the distance mode of education, but we need to address these problems creatively using technology-mediated support systems.
Dr. Sameena Basu conducted the programme, and Dr. Shaikh Waseem presented the vote of thanks.
Meanwhile, a cultural night was also arranged collaboratively by DDE and Cultural Activity Centre of MANUU on the occasion. Singers - Mohtarma Afsha, Salman Mirza and Students showcase their performance. University Drama Club performs Act Play, Skit, and Mime whereas Music Club performs Group Songs Hindustani and Solo. According to Mr. Meraj Ahmed, Cultural Coordinator these performances were presented at the South East Zone Youth Festival Competition, Mysuru.
Prof. Syed Ainul Hasan, Prof. Ishtiaque Ahmed, Prof. Aleem Ashraf Jaisi, Prof. Mohammad Fariyad and large number of faculty members enhanced the grandeur of this event.
Today's program at MANUU
Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU), Department of Women Education is organizing an extension lecture "Women's Law and Empowerment" on March 06, 2024 at 3.00 pm.
According to Prof. Ameena Tahseen, Head, Department of Women Education, Dr. Anita Sable, Head, Research and Publication Cell, Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad is the invited speaker. Prof. Tabrez Ahmad, Dean, MANUU Law School will preside over and Prof. Afroz Alam, Head, Department of Political Science is the special invitee.
The Department of Arabic is organizing two day National Seminar "Arab's Travelogues to India in 19th and 20th Centuries: Artistic Depiction and Cultural Understanding" on March 06 & 07. According to the seminar Director, Prof. Syed Alim Ashraf Jaisi, Department Head, Prof. Syed Kafeel Ahmad Qasmi, Former Dean, Faculty of Arts, AMU and Prof. Hasnain Akhtar, Head Department of Arabic, DU will be the guests of honour and Prof. Habibullah Khan, Department of Arabic, JMI, New Delhi will be the keynote speaker for the inaugural session.
The Department of Management and Commerce is organizing two days National Conference on "Innovative Business Practices towards Sustainable Development Goals" on March 06 & 07. Prof. Mohammed Abdul Azeem, Head Department is the conference Director whereas the Assistant Professors - Dr. Saidalavi K is the convenor, Dr. Reshma Nikhat and Dr. Md. Rashid Farooqi are the co-convenor of the conference