MANUU awards PhD to Mohd Yousuf in Computer Science
MANUU awards PhD to Mohd Yousuf in Computer Science
According to the Controller of Examinations, Maulana Azad National Urdu University has declaredMr. Mohd Yousuf S/o Mr. Late Mohd Akthar qualified for the award ofDoctor of Philosophy in Computer Science. He has worked on the topic “DROWSYGAUG: Gauging Drowsiness in an E-Learning Environment Using AI Technique and IoT” under the supervision of Prof. Abdul Wahid, Dean, School of Technology, MANUU and Co-Supervision of Dr. Mohammed Yousuf Khan, Principal, Polytechnic Hyderabad, MANUU.
Mr. Mohd Yousufis working as Assistant Professor at Polytechnic Hyderabad, MANUU.