Prof. Mohd. Shahid
Professor & HOD
School of Arts and Social Sciences
Email Id : shahid@manuu.edu.in, shahidamu@gmail.com
Phone : 040-23008437,9958222106
Educational Qualifications: Ph.D. (Social Work)
Research Interest :My areas of interest are social work education; hegemony and marginalized groups; politics of language, common sense and cultural violence. I specialize in RCH (reproductive and child health), minorities, and the politics of development. Currently, I am e
Profile of Prof. Mohd. Shahid
Prof. Mohd. Shahid areas of interest are social work education; hegemony and marginalized groups; politics of language, common sense and cultural violence. He specializes in RCH (reproductive and child health), minorities, and the politics of development. Currently, he is experimenting with the theoretical frameś of hegemony, commonsense and structural violence. Methodologically, he is inclined to qualitative research and participatory techniques apart from survey research.
Research Publication of Prof. Mohd. Shahid
Journal/Research Articles:
- Prof. Mohd Shahid- Language, Disability and Cultural Violence- Journal-2020-ISSN-2229-6468
- Prof.Mohd Shahid-Neonatal Mortality , Breastfeeeding Practices and Popular Common Sense-Journal-2019-ISSN-1746-4358
- Prof. Mohd Shahid-Unsafe Abortion Practices and Popular Common Sense Repertoire- Journal-2018-ISSN-2394-4102
- Prof.Mohd Shahid- Religion , Fertility and Common Sense Making Sense of Demography in India-Journal-2017-ISSN-0012-9976
- Prof. Mohd Shahid- Disability and Popular Common Sense in India Noun Versus Adjective- Journal-2016-ISSN-1465346X
- Prof. Mohd shahid- Social Work in India Do we Love Being at Crossroads- Journal-2015-ISSN-195634
- Prof. Mohd Shahid-Manual Scavenging- Issues of Caste, Culture and Violence-2015-ISSN-0049-0857-2015
- Prof Mohd Shahid_Journal
Chapters in Books:
- Prof. Mohd Shahid- Social Work and Marginalisation in India-Book Chapter-2021-ISSN-978-3-030-39966-5
- Prof.Mohd Shahid- Social work Education , A Debate on Indigenisation Vs. Internatianalisation- Book Chapter-2019-ISBN-978-93-88498-28-9
- Prof.Mohd Shahid- Exclusion of Muslims in India-Book Chapter-2018-ISBN-978-93-89965-71-1
- Prof.Mohd Shahid- Theoretical Framework and Review of Studies-Book Chapter-2016-ISBN-978-81-266-6896-0
- Prof.Mohd Shahid- Class, Inequality and Community Development-Book Chapter-2016-ISBN-9781447322467
- Prof Mohd Shahid_Muslim Jansankhiya aur Sampardayik Jansankhiki_Book Chapter-ISBN-978-93-84304-08-9